Monday, March 31, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter, Pear
Dinner: Qdoba, regular
Snack: Teriakyi Chicken, Rice
Snack: Pistachios, almonds (salted)

Weight: 241.6


push press

10 50# slam balls over high bar
100 M
5 Plyo Push Ups

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Breakfast: patacho, Cuban breakfast 
Lunch: chicken salad, ranch dressing
Dinner: qdoba, regular
Snack: pork loin, watermelon, almonds

Weight: 241.6

Naptown open gym:
Double under work
Hang snatch light/ technique
Muscle up transition on low ring

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Breakfast: Nuts, cheese, naked smoothie (forgot to eat, so just grabbed a starbucks snack pack.  Cheese was ok, but usually don't eat it)
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: wings, naked smoothie
Snack:  pistachios, almonds,banana

Weight: 240.6

Friday, March 28, 2014

Breakfast: Ground Beef, Almonds, Banana
Snack: Almonds
Lunch: qdoba, regular
Dinner: Wings, Naked smoothie
Snack: Cashews

Weight: 240.4 First time hitting 240.

19:44  Was really hoping for 18, but rested too much.  Moving my body up and down on those burpees was tough.  I broke up the thrusters into sets up three on 21,18, 15.  12 in two sets. 9, 6, 3 did unbroken.  I wonder if I should have done them unbroken.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Ground Beef, Guacamole, Rice
Snack: Ground Beef, Almonds, Cashews

Weight: 241.2

1000 M Row

10 each of 10 M laps
1.5 KB Farmers Carry
50 lb slam ball
45 lb plate carry (grip on the top not wholes)  Ended up doing 12 burpees due to dropping mid cary
1.5 KB Lunge  We only got through 3.5 with me doing 2 lunges

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Naked Smoothie
lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
dinner: Caveman Chili
Snack: Cashews, Almonds, apple

Weight: 241.2

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Breakfast: Ground Beef, Apples
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Chicken, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, apples
Snack: Cashews, Almonds, Naked Smoothie

Weight: 243.6

Dead Lift: 345# 5x5x5x5  (DNF 5th set because I tweaked my back)

1000M Row
Box Jumps (20")
Kettle Bell (2 pood)

Monday, March 24, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon,Banana
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Dinner: Ground Beef, Guacamole, hot sauce, banana
Snack: Ground Beef, Guacamole, hot sauce

Weight: 244.2 (Ate too much salty stuff yesterday.  Pistachios, Bacon, Naked Smoothies.  Need to watch that)

J.J. Hero Wod
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 HSPU 2 ab mats with Kipping HSPU
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 185 Squat Cleans

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Naked Smoothie
Lunch: Chicken, Rice, Tangerine, Grapes
Dinner: Teriaki Chicken, Rice (sakuri @ mall with kids)
Snack: Apple, Bacon
Snack: Too many Pistachios

Open Gym:
Mobility, Double Under work

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Tangerines
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Natural Wings, Naked Smoothie, Pistachios
Snack: Smootie, Pistachios

Weight: 241.6  (Feel good about that because I didn't gain any weight on trip)

14.4  180 with a time of 13:13
Wish I had a muscle up, but do not.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Fruit
Lunch: Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Fruit
Snack: Almonds (Plane Snack)
Dinner: Ground Sausage, Eggs, Tangerines  (@Home)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Hasbrowns
Breakfast II: Eggs, Bacon, Fruit, Sausage (probably had too much bacon)
Lunch: Lunch Meats, salad, asparagus, onions
Snack: Nuts, Apple
Dinner: Steak, Pork, lamb, salad (ate too much, but clean)

Cactus Crossfit:
strict press: 205 (failed 220 just barely)

Sevens workout (one of their bench mark wods)
7 Minute Amrap
7 box jumps
7 burpees
7 1.5 pood kb

6 rounds plus 5

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Hot Sauce, Guacamole, Naked Smoothie
Snack: Cashews and Almonds mix, Banana  (trying not to get too hungry)
Lunch: Bullritio (like the name)  burrito bowl.  Rice, Steak, Ground Beef, Salsa, Guacamole
Snack: Hamburger (no bun), onions, salsa, fruit
Dinner: had lots of stuff at buffet appetizer route.  Clean, except som bbq stuff.  meatballs, Chicken, steak, corn, pistasios, fish.  Just ate too much, but not gorged.  Pretty good for a social all you can eat occasion with lots of bad choices I could have made.

Weight: 242.2

Note: Traveling to Phoenix for 3 days.  going to keep it as clean as possible while on the road and eating during meetings.  Sure I can find some good substitutes, but will make sure I snack clean plenty since I don't control when I'm going to eat.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Hot Sauce, Guacamole, banana
Lunch: Caveman Chili, Banana
Dinner: Cancun, Fajita.  Only ate about half because last time I felt bloated afterward

Weight: 241.4

Bench Press: 5x5 205

800 M run
3 Rounds
30 30# Wall Balls
15 2 pood Kettle Bells
800 M Run

Monday, March 17, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, bacon, watermelon
Lunch: qdoba, regular
Dinner: Chicken, Naked Smoothie, Almonds
Snack: Chicken, naked smoothing, almonds

Weight: 242.0


Thrusters 115
Toes to Bar
12 minute time cap
11:25 rx

Really happy to make it through that wod.  Did all thrusters unbroken.  Wasn't sure I would make the timecap at the end of round 6.

Backsquat: 5x5 @ 205

Push Press: 5x5 @ 165

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Breakfast: Ground Beef, Naked Smoothie, Pecans
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: chicken, naked smoothie, pecans
Snack: Ground beef, watermelon, pecans

Weight: 241.2

Open Gym, Pull up program

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Breakfast:  Patachou, Cuban Breakfast (eggs, guac, spinich/jalapeno pesto, rice, beans)
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Ribs (natural fresh market), naked strawberry and Banana smoothie, pecans
Snack: ground beef,naked strawberry and Banana smoothie, pecans

241.0  No Idea where that came from.  Ive been out of guacamole for the past 3 days.  think I might need to cut back on my guacamole portions.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Tangerines, Walnuts
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Ground Beef, Apples
Snack: Banana, Nuts, Apple  (need to go to grocery)

Weight: 242.4 (First time in 242 range)

14.3 118 Split 5:11
Was hoping for 130, but feel pretty good about that score considering we did heavy deadlifts on Wednesday also.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Salsa, Bacon
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Ground Beef, Apple

Weight: 244.4

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Salsa, Bacon
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Eggs, Pork, Guacamole, Hot Sauce
Snack: Hamburger, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Tangerines

Weight: 245.4

5 sets
10 GHD situs
10 Back Extension GHD

5 sub 1:30 pull on rower
3 315# deadlifts
8 rounds even

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Apple
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Qdoba, Regualr
Snack: Almond Butter

Weight: 244.8

Max Box Jump:  30"  Paranoid to go over that

400 m run
21 box overs 24" box
21 Thrusters barbell
400 m run
15 box overs 24" box
15 Thrusters barbell
400 m run
15 box overs 24" box
15 Thrusters barbell
400 m run

Monday, March 10, 2014

Breakfast: Ground Beef, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Tangerines
Lunch: Caveman Chili, Tangerine
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Ground Beef, Guacamole, Hot Sauce

Weight: 243.4 (First time in the 243 range)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Cuban Breakfast (Eggs, Rice, beans, cheese, avacado, spinach, pesto)
Lunch: Ribs (natural no sauce), naked strawberry banana smoothie
Dinner: Qdoba, regular
Snack: Hamburger, Guacamole, Watermelon (was pretty hungry tonight)

Weight: 244.0

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Breakfast: Ground Pork, Eggs, Guacamole, hot sauce, orange
Pre-Wod Snack: Chicken, Guacamole, orange
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Chicken, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Rice

Weight: 246

Retested 14.2 because I was bummed I didn't get into 3rd round yesterday.  Made it today and got 111.  Super happy with that.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, 2 oranges
Lunch:  Chicken, Mashed Potatoes,  Butter
Dinner: Qdoba, regular
Snack: Chicken, Guacamole

Weight: 247.6 (Damn)

Trying not to be frustrated with a number.  I didn't really do anything differently other than have the peanut butter the two days before and cancun last night.  Guess all of the salt in cancun is making me hold on to all of my water.

86 Reps

Bummed because I wanted to get into the 3rd round and was just short.  Failed on Pull-up number 11 will 6 seconds left, so I had time to finish it.  Probably will redo.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce.
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Fajitas (at Cancun), with Rice and Guacamole
Snack: Orange, Pecans

Alright.  Think I'm finally ready to admit what I already knew.  I can't have peanut butter.  I just eat too much of it.  It is a trigger food for me.  Boo.

Weight: 245

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce (forgot to pick up banana)
Lunch: Arties Beef, veggies, peanut butter for fat
Dinner: Beef, guacamole, apple
Snack: Pork Loin, Peanut butter

(Too much peanut butter today)

Weight 244.6

7 Minute AMRAP
25 Double Unders
3 185 Thrusters

3+25 DU's

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana, Watermelon
Lunch: Arties, chicken wrapped in bacon, broccoli, sweet potatoes

Weight: 244.0

Power Clean:  Quit at 215.  My power clean technique is not good.  I did figure out something with pulling my elbows outside today in wod, which I think will help

WOD:  Chief
5 Rounds
3 power cleans (135)
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats

Monday, March 3, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed potatoes, Butter,
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Pork Loin, Peanut butter

Weight: 244.0

3 Rounds.  Work 1 minute, Rest 1 minute of the following 5 movements
Ring Rows
Front Squats (Grey Liner)
Thrusters 20# dumbbells
Dead Lifts: 205#
Slam Balls: 20#


Went light and moved a lot.  Felt good, but mid way through the 3rd round lost my wind.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Breakfast: eggs, hot sauce, guacamole
Lunch: Qdoba regular(recap.  Rice, steak, ground beef, guacamole, hot sauce, corn salsa)
Dinner: Ribs (no sauce), Naked fruit drink
Snack: ground beef left overs and slice of pork

Weight: 245.4

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Breakfast: patacho.  Cuban breakfast.  Eggs, rice, avocado, spinach pesto, cheese ( forgot about the cheese part)
Lunch: qdoba, regular
Dinner: ground beef, guacamole, hot sauce
Snack: left overground beef, guacamole
Late Snack: Peanut butter.  Went without too many carbs later in the day and was really hungry right before bed

Home weight: 244.6