Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Weight: 234.6

No more granola trail mix.  Been abusing it and needs to stop.

Monday, December 1, 2014


Took too much time off.  Back to the grind

Breakfast: 3 Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Apple

Weight:  234.6

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014


weight: 230.6

Rest Day

Weight: 230.4

1 Rep Max OHS: 185

Leg Jammers
24 Air Squats
24 Lunges
24 Jumping Air Squats
24 Jumping lunges

Got to total muscle fatigue on Jumping lunges, but did them.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Weight: 230.4

Naptown:  Push Press 1 Rep Max.  255

12 Minute AMRAP:
1 Strict Pull up
10 Airsquats
2 Strict Pull up
10 Airsquats

10 Rounds + 1 Pullup

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Slacking on Documenting food.  Still doing ok.  Been eating some trail mix at work.  Not the best decision, but not the worse either.  Definitely stagnating

Weight: 231.4

1 Rep Max Front Squat: 345# 5# pr

5 Rounds
20 Calorie Row
10 Burpees

Friday, October 10, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, omlette, greens, bacon

Weight: 230.1
Breakfast: Salomi, cheese, strawberries, blueberries
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Dinner: Chicken Wings, Watermelon

Weight: 231.4

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Breakfast: La Peep, Desparado
Lunch: Chicken Mashed Potatoes
Snack: Trail Mix
Dinner: Qdoba, regular

Weight: 231.4

1 RM Deadlift:  501#  1# pr

15 EMOTM Clean and Jerk
Finished last 2 @ 255#
Breakfast: Trail Mix
Snack: Trail Mix
Lunch: Chicken Mashed Potatoes
Snack: Trail Mix
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular

Weight: 230.4

Strict Press 1RM: 216#  1# pr

9 Minute Cap
3 Rounds
60 Sec Airdyne (Sub for Double Unders)
20 2 pood kb
30 Sec Airdyne (Sub for Double Unders)
20 Hand Release Push ups

Finished 2 rounds + 20 KB's

Monday, October 6, 2014

Breakfast: chicken, Strawberries, blue berries
Snack: Trail Mix
Lunch: Trail Mix, Rx Bar
Dinner: Fajitas
Snack: Peach

Weight: 232.8

Lurong WOD 4:
ascending ladder
1 squat clean, 1 pull up
2 squat clean, 2 pull ups

9 + 4 squat cleans

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Breakfast: Denny's santa fe skillet.  because I had to pick up lucia really early from mom's
Snack: Bacon
Lunch: Chicken Fried Rice

Weight: 231.8

Clean work up to 265, missed 285

Kipping Pull up and Muscle up work
Breakfast: Shulas Breakfast BUffet.  Eggs, Bacon, Potatoes, Fruit
Lunch: Fresh Market, Wings, PEach
Dinner: Bw3, Wings, Celery

Didn't weight because I wasn't at home

Friday, October 3, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou
Lunch: Qdoba
Dinner: Porterhouse, salad (Shula's Downtown)
Snack: Some cheese

Weight: 228.8


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Breakfast: eggs, bacon, strawberries, blueberries
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Ruth's Chili
Snack: Apple

Weight: 231.0


Worked on Sitting box jumps.  Only went to 30"

5 Ring Dips
10 Deadlifts 275
15 Pistols (to a bench)

3 45 second hand stand holds

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Strawberries
Lunch: chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: chicken wings

Weight: 232.2

Rest day
Breakfast: Eggs, Strawberries, Nuts
Snack: Pear
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Snack: Almonds, Fruit
Dinner: Fresh Market, Wings

Didn't Weigh

Didn't work very heavy on 5x3 Push Jerk.  Shoulder was bothering me bringing down the weight.
Worked at 145

Worked up to 165
Need more technique work.  Lifting my butt before my body from the bottom and not aggressively pulling under bar.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Stawberries
Snack: Trail Mix
Lunch: Trail Mix
Snack: Trail Mix  (had meetings and could not make it out for lunch:
Dinner: Bw3, Wings

Weight: 234.4  (Highest I have been in a long time)  I ate too much due to bracket buster and guessing I"m inflamed

Front Squat 5x3

Wall Ball
Max Reps x3

Breakfast: Eggs, Guac, Hot Sauce, Grapes
Snack: Warrior Mix
Lunch: Wings
Snack: Banana
Dinner: Chipotle

Weight: 233.4

Day 2 Bracket Buster

Breakfast: Eggs, Guac, Hot Sauce, Banana
Snack: RxBar
Lunch: Caveman chili
Snack: Caveman Chili, Hash
Dinner: Wings

Weight: 231.6

Day 1 Bracket Buster
Breakfast: Patachou
Lunch: Patachou
Dinner: Chipotle


Did half the workout since I was competing this weekend

Run 200M
20 Air squats
Run 200M
20 Lunges
Run 200M
20 Push Ups
Run 200M
20 Burpees
Run 200M
:)  Didn't take time since it was half

Friday, September 26, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, greens, bacon
Lunch: Patachou, Omlette, greens, fruit
Dinner: Chipotle,
Snack: cashews

Weight: 231.8

Agility warm up

Did half the wod because of competition tomorrow.
200M run
20 Lunges
200M run
20 Airsquats
200M run
20 Push ups
200M run
20 Burpees
200M run

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Qdoba, regular
Dinner: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, butter
Snack: Sausage

Weight: 231.4

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: La Peep, Huevos con Chorizo
Snack: Pear
Snack: Banana
Dinner: Mongolian BBQ

Weight: 231.2

Backsquat: 5x3
335  Didn't feel as strong as I would have liked so backed off there

Partner Thuster ladder.  20 reps, then jump 30lb starting at 75lb
Finished with 5 @ 195

Monday, September 22, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guac, Hot Sauce, banana
Lunch: Steak, broccoli, mashed potatoes
Dinner: Arroz con Pollo
Snack: Bacon

Weight: 232.2

lurong WOD 3
Level 3

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guac, hot sauce, banana
Lunch: Qdoba, regular
Snack: Sausage, Beef, banana
Dinner: bw3, Wings, Carrots

Forgot to weight

Naptown open gym:

Cleaned up to 275 successfully

Worked on stringing kipping pullups together and bar muscle ups
I forgot to blog.  I need to get better
Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, greens, bacon
Lunch: Wings, Watermelon
Dinner: Sausage, Banana, bacon

Weight: 232.6


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Breakfast: La Peep, Conquistador, fruit
Waited to long to blog.

Weight: 232.6

Lurong Olympian:
67 Reps

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Breakfast: Omlette (Bacon, Avacado, ham), greens, bacon.
Lunch:  Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Snack: Chicken, Banana
Dinner: Chicken WIngs, Banana

Weight: 230.8

Lurong WOD 1
4 Min Row for Cals
Rest 1
3 Min Chest to bar
Rest 1
2 Minute 165 Back Squat
Rest 1
1 Minute Shoulder to Overhead


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guac, hot sauce, banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Snack: Chicken, Banana
Dinner: Qdoba, regular

Weight: 232.6


Pistol work.  Actually got a pistol for first time on right leg

Push Jerk: 225.  Knee didn't bother me at all

Thruster: worked up to 185 on last set.  Did first few with bar and 95 lb.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: Chicken Salad
Snack: Chicken, Banana
Dinner: Qdoba
Snack: Sausages

Weight: 233.6

First Day of Lurong Challenge

FS: 265
Felt good to push a little bit on the squat.  Feel like I have lost some strength during my knee recovery. Feeling about 90% back with the knee

500M Row
15 50lb slam balls.
Definitely gassed.  I can tell I haven't been doing much conditioning work while rehabbing.
Breakfast: Eggs, Cheese,  Bacon, Rice
Lunch: Sausage, peanut butter
Dinner: Bw3, wings, carrots
Snack: Peanut Butter

Weight: 232.6

Worked on Muscle up stuff and did some snatching up to 135.  Technique felt reallly good at 95 and compromised at 135, so I stopped.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Piggy, Piggy Omlette, bacon, fruit
Lunch: Bw3, wings, celery, carrots
Dinner: Rice, Meatballs
Snack: Sausages, Guacamole (Cookout at block party)

Weight: 234.2 (Bad week, inflamed)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Breakfast: Omlette, bacon, greens, fruit
Snack: Instead of lunch because of time.  Peanuts, Apple Sauce
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Dinner: Chicken, Peanut butter

Strict Press 5x5
185 x 5
190 x 4

15 Minute Amrap (Partner with Mike and Randy
15 KB's
15 Push Ups
30 Air Squats
Only one member worked at a time.  2 burpees in between movements
8 rounds + 18 Air Squats

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Breakfast: Omlette, cheese, ham, onion.  bacon, fruit
Lunch: Chicken, mashed potatoes, butter
Dinner: Arroz con Pollo
Date night with Ruth: Volcano Rolls, Naked Tchopsix

Weight: 233.2

Deadlift: 5x5
Did clean stance and grip deadlifts
Successful @ 365, x3 @ 405

8 Minute AMRAP
5 Front Squats @ 135
8 Toes to Bar
15 Box step ups

4 rounds + 6 reps

Did 8 consecutive toes to bar without coming off rig.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Breakfast: Peanuts, Banana
Lunch: Haveli (need to stop eating indian food)
snack: Peanut Butter
Dinner: Wings, celery, carrots
Snack: Peanut Butter

Been doing very badly this week on peanut butter, peanuts and indian.  Think I have been justifying since I am starting lurong next week.

Weight: 231.2
Breakfast: Eggs, Cheese, Banana
Snack: Banana
Lunch: India Garden
Snack: Peanut butter, pear
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular

Was rushed in morning, Forgot to Weigh

Bar Muscle Ups/Box jumps 16″
Felt great to bar muscle ups in a WOD. Knee felt pretty good on the lower box jump. Now taking a rest/mobility day

Monday, September 8, 2014

Breakfast: Peanuts, Apple Sauce
Lunch: Indian, India Garden

Weight: 230.2

Felt good to get back to some action. Did a 5 sec pause squat for the first 3 rounds, then did 5 reps for last two. Ended at 220
Knee is still stiff, but getting closer. Felt like the squat helped get some of that range of motion back.
6:13 with PVC OHS and Kettle bell with Red band. Rx Strict hspu which feels awesome.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, bacon, greens, fruit
Lunch: Chicken Fried rice
Snack: Chicken, cheese
Dinner: Chicken Wings (Fresh Market), watermelon
Snack: Peanut Butter

Weight: 229.4

Worked on ring muscle ups.  still can't get one

Front Squat 185.  Just tested out the knee.  felt tight,  but pretty good

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Breakfast: Chorizo, eggs, guacamole, watermelon
Lunch: Qdoba, regular
Dinner: Bw3, wings, carrots, celery

Weight: 231.0

Friday, September 5, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Banana, Apple
Snack: Peanuts, Banana
Lunch: Caveman truck, wings, chili
Dinner: Qdoba, regular

Weight: 229.4

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Breakfast: Peanuts and Banana (Forgot to eat this morning and the cafe downstairs is no longer serving breakfast)
Lunch: chicken, mashed potatoes, butter
Snack: Apple, 3 wings
Dinner: Arroz con Pollo

Weight: 231.4

BP: 255
No impact for the knee so I scaled to 53kg kettle bells following a similar flight simulator
Breakfast: Eggs, Cheese
Snack: Banana (Forgot my carbs at breakfast)
Snack: Banana, Peanuts (Didn't have time for lunch after gym)
Lunch: Chicken, mashed Potatoes, butter
Dinner: Ground Beef, Guacamole,  Banana
Snack: Peanut Butter

Weight: 234.5  (Indian has to go of the menu)

Kind of did class
Pull up program
3 reps of each in about 6 minutes.  First time I have completed all unbroken.  Can move up

Instead of running and squats I did ski erg and bar muscle ups
4 rounds for 3 minutes
Ski 400 M
Bar Muscles ups

Was only able to complete 1 per round.  Destroyed my arms doing pull up program and ski erg

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, cheese, strawberries
Lunch: Indian, Havali
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular

weight: 233.0
Breakfast: Eggs, Beans, Banana
Snack: Peanut Butter
Lunch: Qdoba, regular
Dinner: Ribs, Watermelon
Snack: Peanut Butter

Weight: 231.6

1 Bar Muscle UP

Only failed one attempt, the 15th minute.  Others felt strong.  Got the 15th on the second attempt

Weight: 231.6


Weight: 230.4

Friday, August 29, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Piggy, Piggy, fruit, greens
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Snack: Peanuts
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Peanut Butter (No Excuse)

Weight: 229.4

First day back
Just did knee PT exercises
Did 30 push ups
30 Air Squats to a bench
Road Airdyne very slowly for about 8 minutes, just to feel out the knee
Did strict bar and ring pull ups

Felt good to break a sweat.  Knee is still pretty tender, but swelling has gone down significantly and feels decent after I move for a while.  However, I have some sore points in there and can't go past 90 degree angle on my knee because it feels like my stitches are going  to rip.  Good start back

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Piggy, Piggy, Omlette, greens, fruit
Lunch: Chicken, Banana
Dinner: Chicken, Grapes

Weight: 233.4
Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, Greens, Fruit, Bacon
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Banana, Peanut Butter, Turkey

No Weight

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Avocado, Bacon
Lunch: Vegetable soup
Dinner: Wings

No weight.  Couldn't make it down stairs due to knee
No breakfast (Surgery in morning)
Snack: Apple Sauce
Lunch: Thai Fried rice with chicken
Dinner: Chicken Wings

Weight: 235.4  Really dis appointed I have been up there for two days in a rwo

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Breakfast: Piggy, Piggy, Patachou, greens, fruit
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Rice, Teriyaki Chicken
Snack: Peanut Butter (got to get back off the peanut butter)

Weight: 235.4  Feeling really bloated after bad weekend of sleep and weird schedules.  Working all night on friday really screwed me and a bit anxious about surgery.
Breakfast: Qdoba (did eat until Lunch)
Lunch: Wings, Naked Smoothie
Snack: Pulled Pork
Dinner:Wings, apple

Slept until noon since I didn't sleep until 7am
Forgot to weigh myself because I had to run out of house

Friday, August 22, 2014

Breakfast: Piggy, omelette, greens, fruit
Lunch: Wings, Blue Machine Smoothie
Snack: Wings, Banana
Dinner: Yats, Chili Cheese Etouffe, Rice
Snack: Late,Late night peanut butter.  Release didn't end until 6 am.  really fucked up my schedule

Weight: 233.2

20 Amrap
1000 M Row
750 Ski Erg (Sub for Mile Run)
Max 95 lb front squats in remaining time

5 Bar muscle ups and worked on attempting some ring muscle ups

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Breakfast: Piggy, Piggy Omelette. Greens, Fruit
Lunch: Havali
Dinner: Tomo, Spicy Chicken, Rice
Snack: Kefir Yogurt

Weight: 228.2

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Breakfast: Piggy,Piggy Omlette.  Bacon, Greens, Fruit
Snack: Peanuts, Banana (Didn't have time from real lunch)
Dinner:  Arroz Con Pollo

Weight: 231.4

12 minute AMRAP
1 knee to elbo
1 T2B
1 Pull Up
2 knee to elbo
2 T2B
2 Pull Up

5 x 2 Backsquat

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Breakfast: egg, bacon, avacado, cheese, fruit
lunch: chicken, pears
Snack: Pear, Peach
Dinner: mongolian grill, rice, beef, sausage, sauce, onions
Snack: Kefir Yogurt

Weight: 231.4

on top of minute do airdyne for 20 seconds, then max situps
on top of minute row 10 calories, then max chest to bars

Monday, August 18, 2014

Breakfast: Banana, eggs, avocado
Lunch: chicken, Pear
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Pear

Weight: 234.0  Kind of disappointed, but feel like I"m a bit bloated.  Then again, I have been resting more and not doing as many WOD's since the knee

Lunch Meeting so I couldn't go
hit open gym with the kids.
Hit 10 Bar Muscle Ups.  Freaking feel awesom

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, Bacon, Greens, Fruit
Lunch: Shalimar
Dinner: Rice, Steak, Chicken, nuts, fruit
Snack: Strawberries

Weight: 234.6

Feeling super bloated after the peanut butter and cashews and working a late shift at fest.

Front Squat:
225 Taking it easy with the knee

Muscle up work.  Got my first bar muscle up!

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Cheese
Lunch: Chicken, Rice, Squash
Dinner:  Peanut Butter, Cashews, Ham Slice with String Cheese.  Strawberries.

Dinner was crappy.  Just kind of snacked around before volunteering at Sausauge fest @ st. thomas. Ate too much pb and cashews.

Weight: 233.2

Friday, August 15, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: Caveman Chili

Weight: 232.4

5x3 Back Squat
Completed 315 Then dropped weight.  Again, squat felt good, but felt unstable unracking and walkng it back

10 Wall balls
5 kb

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs
Lunch: India Garden
Dinner: Home.  Chicken, Soup, green beans, fruit
Snack: Watermelon

Weight: 233.4

Found out I have a torn Meniscus.  Going to have a scope on the 25th.  Limited workouts until then

Push Press

Couldn't do clean EMOTM so I did chest to bar pull up practce

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Steak, Soup, green beans, pistachios.
Snack: Apple, Pineapple

Weight: 233.2

Front Squat x 3
275.  Didn't push it since knee is feeling sketchy.  Actually squatting felt fine, just stepping back with the weight was biggest challenge

3 Rounds:
25 Situps
20 Lunges (Used PVC instead fo 45 lb weight)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Banana
Lunch: Indian, Haveli

Weight: 232.4

Monday, August 11, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs
Lunch: India Garden
Snack: Banana, Pear
Dinner: Chicken, Rice, fruit
Snack: Peanut Butter

Weight: 230.4

Mobility day.  My knee was feeling really stiff.  kind of like it needs to be pulled and popped like a finger.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Breakfast: eggs, bacon, guacamole, hot sauce, strawberries
Snack: ground beef, apple
Lunch: Wings, apple, banana
Dinner: Peanut Butter, Cheese

My knee feels wrecked after the double unders

Weight: 231.4

3 Rounds for time
10 285# Deadlifts
15 bar facing burpees
50 Double Unders
Breakfast: Eggs, guacamole, hot sauce, bacon, banana
Lunch: Ground beef, rice, guacamole
Dinner: Ham, cheese, banana, strawberries
Snack: Ham Cheese

Weight: 229.4  First time in 220's

Rest day

Friday, August 8, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Chicken, Rice, broccoli, pineapple, grapes
Snack: Chicken, strawberries

Weight: 231.4

MFFL Wod 1.1
30 Minute AMRAP
1 bear complex (start 155 drop 5 lb each pound)
3 chest to bar
10 box overs
15 wall balls
9 + 5 wall balls

Had no energy from the start and this one felt like shit.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce
Lunch: India Garden
Dinner: Ground Beef, guacamole, hot sauce, pine apple, strawberries

Weight: 235.0 (Ouch)

Have been eating too irregularily and too much dairy and peanuts.  Need to tighten back up.  feeling inflamed.  Think diet has been a bit off this week because I've had some stressors at work and running back and forth to my moms.  Plus I have been doing those Masters Functional Fitness league wod's which are long and hard.  been feeling hungry because of that.

Rest day
Breakfast: Bacon, eggs, banana
Lunch: Indian, Tiki Masala, Spinach Sauce.  Two helpings
Snack: Banana
Dinner: Arroz con pollo
Snack: Watermelon, banana

Weight: 233.4

75# Bar
75 Snatches: 6 Minute time cap
Rest 2 minutes
75 Thrusters: 6 Minute time cap

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs, Banana
Lunch: Really a snack, peanuts, peach (Had meetings at work and didn't have time to go get something to eat)
Snack: peanuts, banana

Weight: 232.4

335 (Got one at 355)  Too much after maxing on sunday

Alternating Minutes
Toes to Bar (Scale for Kettle bell since my back was bothering me)
Ring dips
Did as many as possible in 30 seconds

Monday, August 4, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs
Lunch: Wrecked Salad, chili from Potbellies (Lunch Meeting)
Snack: Peanuts and Banana
Dinner: Chicken Fried Rice
Snack: Peanut butter

Weight: 230.4  (First time at 230)

Rest Day

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Breakfast: Ground Beef, Avacado, Banana, Pineapple
Lunch: Shalimar, Rice, Spinach Sauce, Chicken Tiki masala.  Went for seconds
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Ground Beef, Pineapple, Strawberries

Weight: 233.0

Did masters fitness league wod
5 min to max back squat
rest 5
5 minute to max shoulder to overhead
rest 5
5 minute to max deadlift
rest 5
5 minute to max bench

bs 385 5lb pr
pp 275
dead 455
bench 300

tried 495 but tweaked back so I just dropped the weight.  too little time for me to get to max on deadlift
Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, greens, bacon, fruit
Lunch: Thai Fried Rice with Chicken
Snack: On the road from my moms.  Ham slices, pepper jack cheese, too many peanuts, banana
Dinner: Brazilian home cooking.  Something with brisket, rice, shrimp

Weight: 233.4

Did light workout
Jogged to Butler track
4 x 400 M
Jogged Home

Friday, August 1, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: chicken, mashed potatoes, butter
Dinner: ground beef, avacado, fruit
Snack: Arties, chili, sweet potatoes

weight: 232.2

Naptown: ET Workout
Agility ladder stuff

20 High Five Pushups
20 Wall ball situps
20 alternating air squats
200 M Run

worked with alan, 3 +100 M

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Wings, Pineapple, Strawberries
Second Dinner: Bacon, Avocado, hot sauce, eggs, fruit

weight: 233.8

5 Rounds for Completion (Not time)
5 Strict HSPU (No Scales)
5 Strict T2B
Did all of them and feel awesome about that.

2000M Row for Time:
7:32.3  Row felt like shit and was slow.  I kept playing with the damper instead of just keeping it at 8

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, apple
Lunch: India Garden, Spinach, Tiki Masala, Rice, tandoori chicken
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: String Cheese, naked smoothie  (too much cheese)

Weight: 233.8  (From late night eating night before)


Push Jerk:
185 - 195 -205 - 185 -185
Took the weight down to work on technique.  Was pressing too much.  worked on dropping aggressively under bar.

5 Pullups
10 Hollow Rocks

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs, Pear
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: La Pieadad, Arroz Con Pollo with Guacamole,
Snack: Chicken, Wings, Naked Smoothie

Did a smaller lunch portion and was starving in the evening.  Went a head and ate late.  I was on the run for lunch so just got a half portion.  didn't work out well

Weight: 231.0

Tabata Stuff

Airsquats : 90
Push Press : 80
Push Ups : 70
Walking Lunges: 60
OHS: 27

Monday, July 28, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Apple
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Snack: Peach, Peanuts
Dinner: Chicken, The rice and seaweed from lucia's sushi left overs
Snack: cheese, naked smoothie

Weight: 232.2

Front Squat:
300 PR

Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds
Run 200 M
10 Burpees
Fastest: 1:40
Slowest: 1:56
Pretty brutal workout after the front squat

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Cheese, hot sauce, orange
Lunch; Shalimar.  Tiki Masala, Spinach sauce, rice (1 plate)
Snack: Orange
Dinner: Chicken, Smoothie
Snack: Bacon

Weight: 232.4

Snatch work up to 155
Pull up work
Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, greens, bacon
Lunch: Qdoba, regular
Snack: Almonds, oranges
Snack: Peanut butter

was travelling to pick up kids from mom and skipped a meal.  weird for me.

weight: 232.6


Friday, July 25, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Indiana, rice, tiki masala, spinach sauce.  (Only one plate)
Snack: Orange, almonds, Peanuts
Dinner: Wings, Orange
Snack: Peanut Butter (maybe a little self sabotage since I got good news today at the bodpod?)

Weight: 233.4

Partner AMRAP 12:00:
2pood, kb
200 M run (Pacer)
row for calories.

Post Wod: High then low sled push
Alternating with overhead 45lb carries.
6:00 Minutes
Breakfast: Eggs, Cheese, Hot Sauce
Lunch: Patachou, Omlette, eggs, avacado, ham, cheese.  Greens, Bacon, Fruit
Snack: Chicken, orange
Dinner: La Pieadad, Arroz Con Pollo

Scale: 231.6 Actually lost weight and hit new number on vacation

5x5 Deadlift
Got to 365 and back felt really tight.  did rest at 315

3 Strict Pullups, 5 Push Ups
Breakfast: Salada in Pacifica.  Bacado, bacon, eggs, avacado, cheese.  Hashbrowns
Lunch: Ceasar Salad, Yogurt.  (Airport), Almonds
Dinner: Eggs, Cheese, straw berries

No Scale.  Last Day in California

Rest Day

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, avocado, rice
Lunch: Bacado, Eggs, bacon, hash browns, guacamole
Dinner: Camarones diablo, with rice, refried beans and guac at hole in the wall mexican joint that was good.
Snack: Almonds, Cherries

No Scale

Crossfit Santa Cruz
Really cool box.  Great coaches and community.
Also good instruction today on Bar muscle up and Handstand walks

5 burpee bar muscle up
20 ft hand stand walk
Subbbed to jumping bar muscle up from box.  Really great scale that felt challenging and like I was working on transitiion
Subbed hand stand holds with 5 (Each hand) alternating hand lifts.  Good sub for keeping balance with hand off ground

Great experience dropping in at that box.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Avocado, hot sauce, bacon, banana
Snack: Canadian Bacon (Package), provolone Cheese, Almonds, string cheese (lunch meat type of snack before zoo)
Lunch: Chicken, lettuce, avocado, broccoli, cheese
Dinner: Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Salad with Vinegrette
Snack: Chicken Fried Rice after gym

No Scale.  Little anxious about if I've gained weight on trip.  I'm feeling kind of bloated with All the fried rice and eating out

San Francisco Crossfit
Much better experience my second time for a class.  Good instruction on squat and overhead squat.  Tore my hands on the Chest to bars because I was missing my Gymnastic straps.

5 Rounds of 8 reps. 65% of 1 Rm back squat

Overhead squat 45lb (Prescribed)
3 rounds of 6 reps
2 seconds on way down, 2 second hold at bottom on each rep

Chest to bar - 53 lb Kettle bell opposite ascending and decending

Tore my hand on set of 20 about 15 in.  Went to ring rows.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, bacon, avacado, apple (At friends house in oakland/berkeley area)
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Way later than normal, but our kids were having fun.  Toro Loco Skillet.  Avocado, bean, chicken, steak, prawns, rice, sour cream
Dinner: Thai Chicken Fried Rice (Too Much)
Snack: String cheese

No Scale
No workout

Been taking more rest days so I don't have to be away from kids and ruth.  should be able to get a wod in tomorrow
Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, hot sauce, fruit (At condo)
Lunch: Bacado, (Bacon, Avacado, Eggs, Cheese), Hash browns, bacon
snack: Ceasar Salad, Chicken Breast
Dinner: Steak, salad, miso soup, chicken.  Very average Sushi place in berekely

No Scale

Did a little work before we left for over night trip to berekely

Warm up of Jumping jacks, Squat and Push ups.  10 each for 4 rounds

Double under work.  Probably got to around 100

Hill run, up a beautiful mountain behind our place.  Lot steeper and longer than anticipated.  Probably 800+ meters

Skill work.  Strict hand stand pushups.  About 10-15

Friday, July 18, 2014

Breakfast: Chili, Eggs, Guac, Sour Cream, Bacon (Steves special at resturant in santa cruz)
Lunch: Ham, Egg, Cheese, Guacamole, hash browns
Snack:  Cherries, Cheese
Dinner: Lots of Thai Fried Rice

Lots of breakfast since we are waking up at 5am out here and having lunch at about 10:30 California time

No Scale

No Workout
Breakfast: Eggs, Avocado, hot sauce, berries
Lunch: Eggs, bacon, guacamole, hash browns, Fruit
Snack: Almonds, Banana
Dinner: Thai Fried Rice
Snack: Almonds

Crossfit Santa Cruz:

Really nice box.  Good coaching tip on keeping knees wide on Lunge steps instead of in a line.  also good instruction on how to do ghd situps

Did team wod scheduled for games:
50 Cal Row
50 GHD situps
50 Wall Balls
50 Box Overs

Fun wod

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Rice, Cheese, Sausage
Lunch: Chicken, Avocado, Fruit
Dinner: Omlette, cheese, avacado, ham.  Hash Browns
Snack: Pork Roast, String Cheese

No Scale on vacation, Felt good though

Rest day.  Hit the exploratorium with the kids, which was very cool. In general active day exploring san francisco

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Early morning flight to san francisco
Breakfast: Eggs, Avacado, hot sauce, banana
Lunch: In SF. Steak, greens, sweet potato fries
Dinner: El Toro Loco. Steak, Chicken, Prawn fajitas.  beans, rice, guac.  Excellent!
Snack: Almonds

Weight: 233.6  Pretty good for a struggling last few days with portions and salt.

San Francisco Crossfit:
went in for barbell club.  Found out it was really open barbell club instead of truly programmed.  Just did hang snatch, then hang clean work.  worked up to 135/225 then did mobility.  Felt good to move after a day of travel.  Very cool location
Breakfast: Patachou, Regular
Lunch: India Garden, Only one plate.  Felt ok
Dinner; Wings, but less than normal.  Couple of almonds, blueberries, banana

Didn't Weigh

Front Squat
5 rep max: 275
3 rep max: 305
1 rep max: 340 PR

Ring holds for 12 minutes for 20 seconds

Getting ready for california trip

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Regular
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Snack: Peanuts (Again)  too many
Dinner: Qdoba Regular

Snatch work
Pull ups and Muscle Up transitions

Breakfast: Patachou, Regular
Snack: Too many Peanuts (any is too many and becoming a bad go to snack again)
Lunch: Chinese food.  Spicy chicken fried rice (too much and salt)
Dinner: Wings and some more peanuts

Weight: 234.6

Really not a good eating day.  Was driving back and forth to my moms and let myself get too hungry and made bad decision to get peanuts.  Two weekends in a row so have to stop that

Rest day

Friday, July 11, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Shalimar, chicken tiki Masala, spinach sauce
dinner: I really can't remember.  Waited too long on my food blog
Snack: Almonds

Weight: 233.6


Did exacttarget workout
5x5x5x5x5  Push Press

Partner WOD
100 Thrusters
400 M run
75 Push Ups
200 M Run
50 Sit ups
200 M Run
25 Pull ups
Around 12 Minutes

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Strawberries
Lunch: India Garden, Tiki Masala, Spinach sauce, rice
Dinner: Mexican.  Arroz con Pollo, with salsa and guacamole
Snack: Cherries, Almonds

Weight: 232.4

Rest/Mobility Day

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs,banana
Snack: Peanuts, Pear
Lunch: Salad, Bacon bits, boiled eggs, honey mustard dressing, cheese
Dinner: Ground Beef, Butter, Rice, Hot Sauce

Weight: 233.4

Pull up Program

Partner WOd

1.5 KB 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  Alternating partner
Slam Balls 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  Alternating partner
Burpees 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  Alternating partner
Slam Ball Squat 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  Alternating partner

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Breakfast: bacon, eggs
Lunch: Haveli, Tiki Masala, spinach sauce, rice
Dinner: Buffalo Wings, rice, broccoli

Weight: 232.6

100 DU
20 HSPU (1 ab mat, with strict hspu)
20 115 push press
20 Pull ups
100 DU
14:58  (Last year same WOD I had to time cap double unders at 4 minutes a piece instead of all 100 each time and 2 ab mats on hspu)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Snack: Peanuts
Snack #2 Peanuts (Didn't get a chance to eat before heading home to hang with the kids)
Lunch: Chicken, cheese, orange
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular

Weight: 234.6

Back Squat
20 minutes to find
5 rep max: 300
3 rep max: 340
1 rep max: 380 PR
got to 90% then moved on for the 5 rep and 3 rep.  Hit new pr on 1 rep.  Only 5 pounds but had been stuck at 375 for a while, even though I had 365 x3 and 375 x 2 previously

1 Minute max burpees.  2 attempts
Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, ham, Avacado, Cheese.  Bacon, Greens, fruit
Lunch: Chicken, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Strawberries
Dinner: Mongolian Grill.  Rice, Sausage, Ribeye, Broccoli, Kung Pao sauce
Snack: nuts, popcorn

Weight: 234.6

Open Gym
Hang Clean: 225

Pull Up Program

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Breakfast: Bullet Proof coffee (butter, MCT oil, coffee)
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Wings, Blueberries

Weight: Forgot to weight in this morning because I was running out of house and had already had bunch of water and breakfast

1 Hour of Mobility
Breakfast: patachou, omelette, ham, cheese, avacado, bacon, greens, fruit
Lunch: Shalimar, Tiki Masla, meat balls, rice
Snack: Salted Peanuts (overate)
Dinner: Wings, Watermelon

Weight: 235.4

Haven't been eating very clean for two days and feeling  bloated

Open Gym:
Did OHS 1 Rep Max
205 PR.  First time over 200lb

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Formosa Buffet.  (Overate)  Rice, chicken on a stick, broccoli, teryiaki chicken

Weight: 234.0

Split Jerk
1 RM
Shoulder was not feeling right.  Only hit 255  (PR is 280)

Teams of 3
14:00 As Many Reps As Possible
P1: Run 200 (pacer)
P2: Max Push Ups
P3: Max Ball Slams

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Orange
Lunch: India Garden, Tiki Masala, Rice, Spinach Sauce
Dinner: Ground Beef, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Corn

Weight: 233.4

Run 400M
Row 500M

Accessory wod
EMOTM 12 minutes
10 88lb Kettle Bells - 6 rounds I did 10, 6 rounds I did 5
3 Toes to bar

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: Havali, Tiki Masala, Rice, spinach  (little bit too much but better than last time)
Dinner: Ribs, watermelon, nuts
snack: banana, blueberries, nuts

Weight: 234.6 (That late dinner night before)


15 emotm
1 Power Clean
1 Squat Clean
Did 135 each round working on technique.  Felt really solid, working on getting bar into my hip, getting to full extension and keeping bar close to body

Accessory WOD:
Alternating Minutes (Scale)
10 Wall Balls (30lb)
5 Chest to bar pullups

Monday, June 30, 2014

Breakfast: Banana, Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner 2:  Really hungry so ate chorizo and guacamole.  Not a good decision

Weight: 232.4

Press 1 R Max
205 lb.  Tried too big of a jump trying to go for new PR of 225.  Almost there but not quite

5 Rounds of
3 minute amrap
6 115 deadlift
6 burpees over bar, parallel to bar
6 shoulder to over head

2 Rounds + 6 burpees
2 Rounds + 2 burpees
2 Rounds + 2 burpees
2 Rounds + 3 burpees
2 Rounds + 6 burpees

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, ham, avacado, cheese.  Greens, fruit, bacon
Lunch: Shalimar, meatballs, tiki masala, rice, spinach sauce
dinner: Qdoba, regular
Snack: Frozen Blueberries

Weight: 232.4

Open Gym.  Mostly mobility and recovery
Did some pull up work

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Banana, Orange
Snack: Almonds, Banana
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Snack: Caveman Chili, Almonds
Dinner: Ground Beef, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Corn, Strawberries and Blue berries

Really hungry after Competition today

Weight: 235.2  Think the salt from last two days.  feeling bloated
Breakfast: Patachou, Omelette avocado, ham, cheese, bacon, greens, fruit
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Arroz con Pollo at Mexican restaurant.  Ate too much and way too salty

Weight: 235.2 (From Indian food over eating day before)

5 x 3 Front Squat
New PR 305

Partner WOD:
17 AMRAP Work split between partner.  Any division of work
1000 m row
30 box jumps
30 thrusters
30 second L hold

2 full rounds plus 486 meters with Chuck

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs, Banana
Lunch: Havali, Chicken Tiki Masala, Spinach, Rice (Ate way too much)
Dinner: Rotisserie Chicken, Nuts, Watermelon.  Again, felt like I over ate

Weight: 233.2

Rest Day

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, bacon, peach
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular

Weight: 234.0

row 1000m
Run 1 Mile
100 Wall Balls

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Banana
Lunch: Fogo de Chou.  Caesar Salad, Cheese, potatoes, lots of meat
Dinner: Strawberries, chicken, almonds
Snack: hand full of almonds

Weight: 234.0

Strict Press
275lb 30lb pr over my 2 rep max  In april

4 tabatas
Russian KB swings 32kg: 96 (All rounds of 12)
Burpees: 40 (all rounds of 5)
Sumo Dead lift High pull 32kg KB: 64 (All rounds of 8)
Hollow Rocks: 80 (All rounds of 10)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Banana
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Handful of almonds

Weight: 234.6


20 minute amrap
1 Deadlift
1 Squat Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Split Jerk

17 total

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Breakfast:  At holiday inn express.  Eggs (hardboiled and scrambled), apple, sausage
Lunch: Double cheese burger minus the bread.  Baked potato with "butter" and sour cream.
Dinner: Chicken breast, spinach salad with olive oil dressing.  nuts, strawberry, orange
Snack: Was really feeling hungry. Peach and almonds.

Didn't weigh myself due to being on road and not having scale.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, avacado, ham, cheese, bacon, greens
Lunch: Shalimar, Tiki Masala, Meatballs, rice
Snack: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Shoneys (not the best choice, but ruths choice) BBQ ribs, salad with cheese and italian dressing

Weight: 235.0

Traveled to Jasper indiana to go to holiday world with kids

Friday, June 20, 2014

Breakfast: eggs, bacon, banana
Lunch: Ground beef, corn, rice, guacamole, strawberries
Dinner; Wings, Peach, Almonds

Weight: 235.0

ExactTarget workout
Strict Press: 210#

Team of 4 15 Minute AMRAP
200lb farmer carry
alternating with teammate on
75 Jump Ropes

Other two members are outside doing sled push
High Push, then back as low push

For number of sled pushes

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Haveli, Tiki Masala, Spinach creamed, rice
Dinner: Ground Beef, Guacamole, Hot sauce, Rice, Blue Berries

Weight: 234.8

Run 800 m warm up
Rest 4 minutes
Run 800 m all out.  3:35

Alternating tabata
Hollow Rocks
Wall walks to handstand hold

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Cancun, Fajitas, Rice, Guacamole, Refried Beans
Snack: handful of almonds about 8

Weight: 233.2

Banded Kettlebell work

Then 15 EMOTM
Squat Clean
Worked up to 265

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, guacamole, hot sauce,banana
Lunch: Chicken, mashed potatoes
Snack: Peanuts, Banana
Dinner: Pork, rice, guacamole, fruti

Weight: 235.0

1000m Row buy in
115# backsquat
bar facing burpees

Monday, June 16, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: about 10 almonds

Weight: 236.2

Strict Press:
190# successful

3 3:00 minute rounds
rest 3 minutes between rounds
3  rounds even
3 rounds + 5 pull ups
3 rounds + 10 Push ups

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Breakfast: Fathers day breakfast at mother in laws.  Beans, Cheese, eggs, avacado, fruit
Lunch: Shalimar, Tiki Masala, Meatballs, rice
Snack: Peach
Dinner: Chinese, Spicy Chicken Fried Rice.  At this about 8pm at my moms.  Too much and too late.

Weight: 234.0

Open Gym
Snatch work.  Every minute on minute for 10 minutes at 95.  Then started moving up every couple of minutes.  Finished at 165.  Didn't miss, but felt good and didn't want to go heavy since I had last two weekends

Front squat work.  worked up to 325 doing triples, but only got one rep at 325.
Breakfast:  eggs, guacamole, rice, hot sauce
Snack:  Chicken Thighs, rice
Lunch: Pork Sirloin, rice, guacamole
Dinner: Chicken wings, banana, nuts

Weight: 237.0

Naptown: Rest day

Friday, June 13, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, omlette (ham, cheese, avacado), greens, fruit, bacon
Lunch: Indian Food, Haveli.  Tiki masala, spinich, rice
Dinner: Qdoba, regular
Dinner 2:  meal with friends at about 8pm.   Greens, Turkey Breast, Fruit

Weight: 235.4

Overall feel good.


ET WOrkout
5x3  Backsquat

12 Minute Amrap partner WOD
1 Partner Max wall balls
1 partner max situps
1 partner run 400
Switch when running finishes.  total reps 485

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, blueberries
Lunch: Indian Food (Havela), Tiki Masala, Rice, Spinich
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular

Weight: 234.6

I think not eating after dinner is a good thing.  avoiding that later evening snack seems to not leave me starving (although I crave it), but has had a positive impact the last few days

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Breakfast: 3 Eggs, Guacamole (2 fork fulls), Cup Strawberries and Blueberries
Lunch: 2 Chicken Breasts, Mashed Potatoes, 4 butters
Snack: 1 oz package of peanuts, banana
Dinner: Fajitas, with rice and guacamole.  Cancun

Feeling hungry in the post lunch.

Weight: 235.8

Skill day

9 Rounds
Every 2 minutes
1 power snatch
2 Overhead Squat
3 Snatch Balance

100 situps for time:

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Breakfast: 3 Large Eggs, 2 globs guacamole, hot sauce, 1/2 peach, banana
Lunch: 2 Chicken Breast, Mashed Potatoes, 2 packets of butter
Snack: Pear, 1 oz pack of peanuts  (Was really hungry)
Dinner: Natural Wings (about a lb), Salad with Feta Cheese and Ceasar dressing.  The dressing did not sit well with me

Was feeling pretty hungry heading to gym, but ok in wod.

Weight: 235.0 First new number in about 5 weeks

5x3 Thrusters

5 Minute AMRAP
5 Deadlifts
5 Front Squats
3 Rounds + 5 Deadlifts
Had time to finish 4th round, but failed Clean twice

Monday, June 9, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Cheese, Hot Sauce  (4 eggs, 1 Slice of Cheese).  Didn't have a fruit handy so I forgot my carb
Lunch:  Two Chicken Breasts, 1 order mashed potatoes (about a cup), 2 packets of butter
Dinner: Ribs (6 fat ribs), spinich salad with Olive Oil vinaigrette, feta cheese, watermelon

Waited way too long between Breakfast and lunch so got a bit hungry.  resisted urge to snack at 10pm

Weight: 238.0

Kettle Bell day
4 Rounds  24Kg
10 Alternating Hand kettle bell swings
10 (5 Left/5 Right) Push press KB
10 (5 Left/5 Right) KB Push ups

Then Turkish get up work
1 Turkish per minute alternating with
6 (3 each side) OHS with KB  12kg
10 Minutes

Breakfast: Eggs, Rice, Cheese, banana (need to buy guacamole)
Snack: Cashews
Lunch; Arties Paleo on Go (Beef, Sweet Potatoes, Lettuce, veggies)
Dinner: Chicken, Beef, Rice, Veggies
Snack: Banana, Almonds

Weight: 239.4

Donnie Shankle Seminar
Snatch: 155 was as High as I got with form.  Wasn't locking out arms
Clean and Jerk: 280 PR

Awesome experience
Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, Greens, Bacon, Fruit
Lunch: Ground Beef, Fruit, cheese
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Ground Beef, Naked Smoothie

Weight: 239.4

Friday, June 6, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Cheese, hot sauce, peach
Snack:  At lucia's end of year party.  2 bananas, piece of cheese
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: sausages, blueberries
Dinner: ground beef, butter, rice
Snack: Peanut butter.  Gotta to stop with the peanut butter.  Makes me feel bloated

Weight: 239.2


First et team building group session:
Baseline WOD:

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Cheese, Hot Sauce
Lunch: Indian, Chicken Masala, Tandori chicken, Rice (Portions too big)
Dinner: Ruth bought filet mignon.  had veggies and fruit also
Snack: Peanut butter

Weight: 239.4


Hang snatch workout like regionals
15 minutes of hang snatch then
5 minutes rest then
1 lift every two minutes for 3 lifts
Got 165#.  Caught 185 at bottom, but didn't lock out arm on way up

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, Greens, Fruit, Bacon
Lunch: Shalimar, Meatballs, Chicken Tikki Masala, rice
Dinner: Chicken, stawberries, veggies
Snack: String Cheese, Cashews

Weight: 237.4

4 Rounds
400 M Run
10 Burpees
Rest until 4 min

Pull up program

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Snack: Pork Loin, Naked Smoothie (Woke up at 3 am )
Breakfast: Eggs, Banana
Lunch: chicken, mashed potatoes, butter
Dinner: Fajita, cancun
Snack: Grapes, Pork Loin

Weight: 237.8

45 Minute AMRAP

5 Deadlift
5 Squat Cleans
5 Front Squat
5 Push Press (did them from back rack)
5 Back Squats

Did last two sets of Back Squats as Overhead squats just to test them when I was fatigued.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: Caveman truck, wings, sweet potato fries and chili.  (Little bit of everything)
Dinner: Ground Beef, grapes, sweet potato, butter
Snack: Pork Loin

Weight: 239.0


Push Press 5x5

10 Walking Lunges
5 Pullups
10 Walking Lunges
5 Push Ups
10 Walking Lunges
5 Toes to Bar

4 Rounds even

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce
Lunch: Chicken Fried Rice
Snack: Peach
Dinner: Rice, Ground Beef, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Blue berries
Snack: Sunflower Seeds (too salty)

Weight; 238.2


Snatch Technique
New PR 185
Breakfast: Patachou, Cuban Breakfast (Rice, Eggs, Avacado, Hot Sauce), Bacon
Lunch: Shalimar, Tiki Masala, Meatballs, Rice
Dinner: Wings, Peach, Naked Smoothie


Friday, May 30, 2014

Breakfast: eggs, bacon, Banana, Peach
Lunch: Patachou, Omlette, Greens, Bacon
Dinner: Wings, Peach
Snack: Peanut Butter

Weight: 238.0

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Rice, Guacamole
Snack: Apple, slice of cheese

Weight: 238.0

Regionals 50's wod Cut in half

25 Cal Row
25 Box Jump overs
25 Deadlifts 180#
25 Wall Balls
25 Ring Dips
25 Wall Balls
25 Deadlifts 180#
25 Box Jump overs
25 Cal Row

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Banana, Peach
Snack: Banana
Dinner: Caveman chili
Snack: Apple

Weight: 238.0

Strict Press:
185 max

Run 1600 M
rest 3 minutes
Run 800 M
rest 2 minutes
Run 400 M
rest 2 minutes
Run 200 M
rest 1 minute
Run 100 M
rest 1 minute
Run 50 M

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed potatoes, butter
Snack: Apple, Peach
Dinner: India Palace, Chicken Tiki Masala, Rice
Snack: Peanut Butter, Banana (Shouldn't have peanut butter)

Weight: 237.0

1 Clean and Jerk
Ended at 245

10 20lb Wallballs
5 32kg Kettlebells

Monday, May 26, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: Patachou, Omlette, Greens, Bacon, Fruit
Dinner: Wings, Naked Smoothie, Pineapple
Snack: Peanut Butter
Snack 2: Pineapple

Weight: 239.0

Murph Rx (No Vest)
1 Mile Run
100 Pull ups
200 Push ups
300 Air Squats
1 Mile Run


Sunday, May 25, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, omelette, greens, fruit, bacon
Lunch: Race track:  Almonds, Turkey leg, beef jerky
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular

Weight: 239.0
Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, Fruit, greens, bacon
Lunch: Shalimar, Meatballs, Masala, rice
Snack: Caveman Chili
Dinner: Outback, Steak, potatoes, Ceasar Salad

Weight: 238.4

Friday, May 23, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Watermelon
Lunch:  Caveman chili
Dinner: Qdoba, regular
Snack: Pecans, fruit,steak, cheese stick

Weight: 237.0

5x3 Clean and Jerk
Felt weak and kind of fighting off cold
Only went to 185

Run 400
15 KB's (Black)
Rest 2 minutes


Weird day of travel

Airport breakfast: Cheese sticks, grapes
Late lunch when I got home: Cancun, Fajitas, rice, guacamole
Dinner: Chicken Wings, Pineapple

Weight: No Scale

Travel Day, no workout
Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Fruit (Buffet style)
Lunch: Chicken, Pulled Pork, Salad (buffet style)
Snack: Apple, Almonds
Dinner: Steak, potatoes, carrots, sushi (Restaurant in Palm springs)

Weight: No Scale

1 RM Push Press
245 (Ties my previous pr) pretty good for no shoes or belt
WOD: 95lb
25 Push Press 25 Burpees
20 Push Press 20 Burpees
15 Push Press 15 Burpees
10 Push Press 10 Burpees
5 Push Press 5 Burpees

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

breakfast: Eggs, cheese, fruit, oatmeal
lunch: chicken, blue cheese, salad, bacon, onion
Dinner: chicken and Steak Fajitas, guacamole, rice

no scale

Back Squat 5×3
Finished at 335
For time
800 meter run
50 Double Unders
1 Rope Climb
400 meter Run
40 Double Unders
2 Rope Climbs
200 meter run
30 Double Unders
3 Rope climbs
100 meter run
20 Double Unders
4 Rope climbs

Monday, May 19, 2014

Breakfast: eggs, guacamole, hot sauce, cashews (salted)
Lunch: Eggs, rib meat, peppers, hot sauce (at airport restaurant)
Lunchish: Time Change.  Ceasar Salad, Chicken, Sweet potato fries
Dinner: Sushi, bacon wrapped dates, wings, sea scallops (Appetizer style at conference)

Weight: 239.8 (I'm sure from salt)

Going to Palm Springs today for work.  After I get back going to start dialing back portions and refocus.

WOD out in the Sun:
Did a warm up of Push ups, Jumping jacks and Squats 5 Rounds of 10 each

Double under warm up.

Double unders - Situps

Beat my old time by over a minute and last time I cut the double under reps in half (25-20-etc)
Good to get a workout in after 3 days off
Breakfast: Patachou Omlette, Bacon, greens, fruit
Lunch: Shamilar, meatballs, tiki masala, rice
Dinner: Wings, Apple
Snack: Chasews (Salted)), Apple, naked smoothie

Weight: 238.0
Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Apple
Lunch: Patachou, Omlette, greens, fruit
Dinner: Wings Naked Smoothie
Snack: naked smoothie

Weight: 238.4

Friday, May 16, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou.  Ham, Cheese, Guac Omlette.  Greens, Fruit, Bacon
Lunch: Shalimar, Tiki Masala, Meat balls, Rice
Dinner: Qdoba Regular
Snack: naked smoothie

Weight: 238.8

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potato, butter
Dinner: Wings, Apple
Snack: Peanut Butter, naked smoothie

Weight: 238.8

Crossfit Naptown
Back Squat 3 Reps x 5 sets
225 - 315 - 315 - 315 - 335

Death By T2B:
12 Rounds completed

Death By 45# DB Push Press:
15 Round completed

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, bacon, banana
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Ground Beef, Guacamole, Pecans

Weight: 238.8


Corporate challenge.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs, Banana
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Dinner: Fajitas, Cancun.  Ate too much.  Need to really scale back on dinner and snack portions.  Next step

Weight: 239.2

EMOM 12 minutes
Even MIN: 10 Dumbbell Snatch alternate hands (HAP)
Odd MIN: 12 pistols alternating legs: sub 25 Air Squats
Floor Press (75/55)
L sits off ground: Use parallets or rig if Advanced
Burpees Over barbell

Tabata (~14minutes)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Dinner: Ground Beef, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Apple
Snack: Chicken Fried Rice

Weight: 238.0

Crossfit Naptown

2 Rep Max Thruster:  225#

10 Toes to Bar
15 Box Jumps
20 Cleans 95#
15 Box Jumps
10 Toes to Bar


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Breakfast: fruit, eggs,guacamole, hot sauce
Lunch: Mongolian grill, steak, eggs, sauces, sausage, onions, green peppers, rice
Snack: banana, apple
Dinner: walnuts, blueberries

Weight: 237.4
Breakfast: eggs,guacamole, hot sauce, banana
Lunch: fire on the monon, steak, veggies, sweet potato fries
Snack: banana
Dinner: pork, eggs, watermelon, hot sauce, guacamole
Snack: wings, apple

Weight: 238.2

Friday, May 9, 2014

Breakfast: Omlette, ham, cheese, avacado.  Greens, Fruit
Lunch: Shalimar, Chicken Masala, Meatballs, rice
Snack: Banana, Chicken Ceasar Salad
Dinner: Pork Sirloin, Oranges

Weight: 239.0

2 RM Max: 465

10 Rounds
1 Minute Row for calories
:15 Sec rest
:30 Sec Push ups
:15 Sec rest

208 Calories / 116 pushups
Very consistent.
Max calories rowed in row round 23, min 20
Max Push Ups 12, Min 10

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Breakfast: eggs, bacon, banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner 2: Mongolian BBQ with Family.  Sausage, Ribeye, eggs, rice, sauce, onions, peppers

weight: 239.4

Hang Clean Technique: 225

Nasty Girls:  15 pull-ups instead of 7 muscle ups
3 Rounds:
50 squats
15 Pull-ups
10 Hang Cleans


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: chicken, rice, broccoli
Dinner: chicken, mashed potatoes, banana

Weight: 241.2 :(

Peanut butter from the other day made me feel like shit and bloated.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Snack: Peaches
Dinner: Fajitas, Cancun
Snack: steak, naked smoothie

Too Much food today

Weight: 239.8

800 M run
315 Deadlift until 8 minute mark
800 M run
185 Power Clean until 18 Minute mark
800 M run
95 Overhead Squat until 30 Minute Mark

Really struggled today.  Movement felt bad and slow.  I think it has to do with the peanut butter last night

Monday, May 5, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: Caveman  Chili
Snack: Banana, Pear
Dinner: Chicken Mashed Potatoes
Snack: Way too much peanut butter.  I think it is a cheat.

Weight: 238.8

Front Squat: 2 rep Max

6 min amrap
1 strict pull up 1 HSPU
2 strict pull up 2 HSPU

6 min amrap
1 Cal Row 1 Burpee
2 Call Row 2 Burpees

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Cuban Breakfast, Bacon
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Skirt Steak, Sweet Potatoes
Dinner: Wings, Mashed Potatoes

Weight: 236.8 (First time in 236 range)

Naptown Open Gym:
Did Clean pulls at 315
Back Squats: 5x1 @ 315

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Breakfast: Steak, Eggs, Oranges
Lunch: Shalimar, meatballs, Tikki Masala chicken, rice
Snack: Orange, Steak
Dinner: Qdoba, regular
Snack: steak, orange, banana, 1/4 tea spoon of raw honey, almonds

Weight: 237.0

Rest day today, but ended up removing 8 shrub stumps from overgrown shrubs we had taken out last year.  So axe and shovel work for about 1 hour.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Patachou, Cuban Breakfast
Second Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Topping off of ham, pepperoni, sausage and cheese pizza.  Not the best choice, but not the worst.  it was a friends birthday party and they wanted bazbeau's.  Skipped the cake and crust.  Didn't have a negative reaction, but not going to be in the routine

Weight: 237.0

Hero WOD Kelly:
5 Rounds
400 M Run
30 24" Box jumps
30 20lb Wall Balls

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Snack: almonds, banana, oranage
Dinner: Fajitas, Cancun + guac
Snack: Left over caveman chili

Weight: 239.2

Elizabeth:  11:25  Ring dips are not my friend
Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Dinner: Caveman Chili
Snack: banana, Almonds

Weight: 239.2

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Breakfast: Banana, Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: Steak, Mashed Potatoes (Harry and Izzies work lunch)
Dinner: Chicken, Chorizo, Guacamole, Strawberries, rice

Weight: 238.0

Clean Pulls:
Ended last two sets at 305

1 RM Clean: Super excited I got to 275 which is a 20lb pr

5 min AMRAP
1 Clean 225
2 burpees over bar
1 Deadlift 225
2 burpees over bar

Monday, April 28, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Dinner: Chicken, Guacamole, Hot Sauce
Snack: Almond Slivers, Banana, orange
Snack: Almond Butter

Weight: 240.2

Push Press:
2 Rep Max
245#  (Beats my 1 rep max by 5 pounds)

3 Tabatas:  Score is lowest round total performed on each tabata
5 Slam Ball Clean
10 Slam Ball Squats
5 Slam Balls Traditional

Run 800 M.  4: 16

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, guacamole, hot sauce, pineapple
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Chicken, asparagus, mashed potatoes
Dinner 2: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, watermelon

Feeling bloated for previous two days.  Eating today was better.

Weight: 242.8  (Need a couple of saltless days and more home prepared meals)

Worked on Cleans and false grip ring rows
Went singles until I did 245 3 times.  Didn't fail a single rep today.  felt good.  245 is 96% of my 1 Rep Max.  My thought is I want to just get super comfortable lifting in the 225-250 range before going for a new max.  Technique is feeling better.
Breakfast: Patachou breakfast
Lunch: Crappy Lunch.  On road so I got lunch meat chicken and orange
Second Lunch: Chicken wings, oranges
Snack: Grapes, Cheese (At art gala thing)
Late Late Night sushi (10:30-11:30) on our date night: Seafood puffs and Fire rolls

Overall all really bad day of eating.  Clean ish, but cheese, late sushi and not being prepared following the crappy chorizo not good.

Weight: 241.8  (Chorizo for dinner was not good.  way too much salt and crap in it)

Friday, April 25, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Cuban Breakfast, Bacon
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Dinner: Chorizo, Eggs, Naked Smoothie
Snack: Almond Butter, Naked Smoothie

Weight: 238.0  (First new number in 3 weeks)

OHS: 5x3 125

WOD 1:
4 Min
5 Wall Walks
10 Chest to bars

8 Min
5 Wall Walks
10 Chest to bars
20 Box Jumps
1 Hand Release Push Up

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Apple
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Chicken, Oranges
Snack: Pineapple, Apple, Tyner Pond Farm Ham

Weight: 239.8

EMOTM:  Alternate each minute
10 2 pood KB
5 Ring Dips

EMOTM: (Not alternating)
15 Double Unders
3 Front Squats
Had to add 10lb each round.  Started at 95 ended at 205.  Completed all rounds.

Naptown with Eric:

Last Fran was September 18, 2013 and was 7:50 so a 2:30 pr

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon,Banana
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: ham, pineapple

Weight: 239.2

Feeling little frustrated because I have stagnated lately.  Have not seen a weight drop in 3 weeks.  It is related to behavior.  Have not been watching portions as much, nor eating at home as much.  Need to clean that up to continue progress.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Banana
Snack: Banana, Apple
Dinner: Wings, Watermelon, Pecans

Weight: 239.4

Partner WOD
10 Min AMRAP
25 Snatch
25 Back Squat
25 Clean
25 Front Squat

2 Rounds + 6

Monday, April 21, 2014

Breakfast: Orange, Eggs, Hash Browns, Fruit, bacon
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Dinner: Chinese buffet, Chicken, Fried Rice, Broccoli Chicken

Weight: 239.2

Split Jerk work.  5x3

185# for first two sets
135# last three.  My shoulder was bothering me bringing it back to the rack position

200M Run  40 Burpees 40 Wall Balls
200M Run  30 Burpees 30 Wall Balls
200M Run  20 Burpees 20 Wall Balls

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Breakfast: Chicken, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Apple
Lunch: Easter lunch.  Ham, sweet potatoes, salad, paleo granola
Dinner: qdoba, regular
Snack:  paleo granola.  Would consider that my first binge. I just ate way too much of it because it was here.  Feel crappy.  I think the honey sucked me in

Weight: 240.0

Naptown open gym:
Clean technique.  Worked up to 225

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Breakfast: eggs, guacamole, Hot Sauce, Apple
Lunch: Indian.  Rice, Tikki Masala
Dinner: Mexican Resturant, Fajitas, rice, guacamole
Snack: Paleo Granola (I made some so I would have a healthy snack on easter) Almonds, Pumpkin seeds, Almond Meal, raw honey, Almond Butter

Weight: 239.8

8 x 400 sprints  Averaged around 1:45 per 400.  Rested a minute or two between each set.  Goal was to catch my breath, but not fully.
Worked on False Grip Ring rows again

Friday, April 18, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole (forgot the carb)
Lunch: Qdoba, regular
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Wings, Apple
Snack: Chicken, Apple

Weight: 242.6 Again

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guac, Hot Sauce, Some Cheese
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Hamburger, Guac, Hot Sauce
Dinner: Chorizo, Eggs, Guac, Hot Sauce, Corn on Cob
Snack: Apple

Weight: 242.6 (Not sure where that came from.  I did have walnuts last night.  Might be a source)

17:20 Rx

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Oranges, Nuts

Weight: 239.8

Front Squat:
275 lb

8 Minute, alternate movement each minute
8 pull ups
10 push ups

8 minute, alternate  movement each minute
15 Wall Balls
12 Hollow Rocks

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs
Snack: Banana, Apple
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Ribs, Watermelon

Weight: 241.6 (Bourbon Chicken is off the list)

305 lb

2 rep Clean Max

2 minute amrap

Monday, April 14, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Dinner: Bourbon Chicken, Rice (same result as Maki Chicken, sugar)
Snack: Naked Juice

Weight: 239.0

300 lb

4 Rounds:
3 Burpee Pullups
5 HSPU (Used box so my shoulders didn't hurt)
7 Power Cleans 155

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Breakfast: Guacamole, Eggs, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: Qdoba
Snack: banana, Apple
Dinner: Chicken, Banana, Naked Smoothie
Snack: Cashews, Apple

Weight: 239.8

Open Gym
Clean.  Worked up to 255.  ties my PR.  265 isn't happening until I fix my pull.  Have the height, just missing technique.  Pretty happy since we haven't done much strength or oly lift training since starting the open.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce
Lunch: Qdoba Regular (then for some reason I ate the ham and cheese (no bread) from lucia's Jimmy johns that she didn't want)
Dinner: Wings, Watermelon, Naked Smoothie
Snack: Naked Smoothie

Weight: 241.2

Finally bought new pants today since the others were just way to big.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou Cuban Breakfast
Lunch: Qdoba, regular
Dinner: ground beef, guacamole, hot sauce, banana
Snack: ground beef, nuts, banana

Day 87 retested BodPod:
First BodPod      1/16/14   Weight: 256.18
Second BodPod 4/11/14   Weight: 242.38
Difference: -13.8 lb

First: Fat Weight:     70.2
Second Fat Weight: 68.57
Total Fat Loss:  -7.62

Weight: 241.2

50 pull ups
400 M run
21 Thrusters
800 M run
21 Thrusters
400 M run
50 Pull ups

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Breakfast: bacon, eggs, banana
lunch:  chicken,  mashed potatoes
dinner:  fajitas,  rice
snack: Almonds, cashews

Weight: 243.2 Consequence of eating golden corral

emotm 20  minutes
Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Dinner: Qdoba
Second Dinner: Steak, chicken (BBQ), ceasar salad (Golden Corral with Family.  Not best choice)

Bad decision on second dinner.  Ruth and kids wanted to go to golden corral after park.  Ate too much and bbq and salad dressing was not clean

Weight: 241.2

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner:  qdoba
Snack: hamburger Guacamole hot sauce

Weight: 242.2  Again the effects of my decision to eat that msg, sugar laden chicken from the mall.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Ground Beef, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana.  Cashews
Snack:  Teriyaki Chicken from mall and Rice.

Felt like shit immediately after eating the mall chicken, which I shouldn't eat.  Was just feeling hungry and I split lucia's.  Now that I'm clean I can really feel the negative effects of it.  Just feel inflammation coming on within 10 minutes of finishing

Weight: 240.6

Split Jerk: 5x5

5 plyo push ups
10 50# slam ball over high bar
100 M run with slam ball
4 Rounds + 2 slam balls

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Breakfast: Ham steak, eggs, guacamole, rice, hot sauce
Lunch: Qdoba, regular.  apple
Dinner: Wings, Blueberry Naked Smoothie
Dinner 2: ground beef, guacamole, hot sauce

Weight: 240.6

Warm up row
Squat Clean: up to 245.  Never failed until I just threw on 275 just to give it a whirl.  Got 275 high enough but not dropping under fast enough

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Cuban Breakfast, Bacon
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Dinner: Habatchi Steak, Rice, veggies

Weight: 239.8 :)

Double Unders     Wall Balls
25                         10
20                         20
15                         30
10                         40
5                           50

Forget time.  Double unders really struggled today.  But wod felt good.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Breakfast: Qdoba, eggs, potatoes, chorizo, chicken, guacamole, hot sauce
Lunch: Shalimar (indian buffet) meatballs, tandori chicken, rice
Snack: Brats, guacamole, hot sauce
Dinner: Naked Chopstix, Volcano Rolls

Weight: 239.2 (First time in 230's for a long time)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

breakfast (Totally forgot)
Late breakfast: chicken, mashed potatoes, butter
dinner: Pork Loin, apples, strawberries
snack: pork loin, apple

Weight: 244.4
Really don't know what is going on.  I have eaten at the house less this week and that has something to do with it.  I think it might be the roasted almonds and nuts.  I have been eating more and I think I might just have to give up nuts.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Breakfast: strawberries, almonds, chicken
snack portions: chicken, mashed potatoes
lunch: caveman chili
Dinner: pork loin, almonds
Snack: pork loin, almonds

Weight: 243.8  (little disappointed I stayed right here)

1 mile: 7:21
Push Press: 5x5 165

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

breakfast: bacon, eggs, banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, butter
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Chicken, Orange Juice

Weight: 243.6

Ok, I chicken from Maki of Japan at the mall is not clean (surprise) and had too many salted nuts.  No more teriyaki  chicken and no more salted nuts.  Made me balloon up last night.  I know it is water weight, but still doesn't feel good and I'm bloated.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter, Pear
Dinner: Qdoba, regular
Snack: Teriakyi Chicken, Rice
Snack: Pistachios, almonds (salted)

Weight: 241.6


push press

10 50# slam balls over high bar
100 M
5 Plyo Push Ups

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Breakfast: patacho, Cuban breakfast 
Lunch: chicken salad, ranch dressing
Dinner: qdoba, regular
Snack: pork loin, watermelon, almonds

Weight: 241.6

Naptown open gym:
Double under work
Hang snatch light/ technique
Muscle up transition on low ring

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Breakfast: Nuts, cheese, naked smoothie (forgot to eat, so just grabbed a starbucks snack pack.  Cheese was ok, but usually don't eat it)
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: wings, naked smoothie
Snack:  pistachios, almonds,banana

Weight: 240.6

Friday, March 28, 2014

Breakfast: Ground Beef, Almonds, Banana
Snack: Almonds
Lunch: qdoba, regular
Dinner: Wings, Naked smoothie
Snack: Cashews

Weight: 240.4 First time hitting 240.

19:44  Was really hoping for 18, but rested too much.  Moving my body up and down on those burpees was tough.  I broke up the thrusters into sets up three on 21,18, 15.  12 in two sets. 9, 6, 3 did unbroken.  I wonder if I should have done them unbroken.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Ground Beef, Guacamole, Rice
Snack: Ground Beef, Almonds, Cashews

Weight: 241.2

1000 M Row

10 each of 10 M laps
1.5 KB Farmers Carry
50 lb slam ball
45 lb plate carry (grip on the top not wholes)  Ended up doing 12 burpees due to dropping mid cary
1.5 KB Lunge  We only got through 3.5 with me doing 2 lunges

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Naked Smoothie
lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
dinner: Caveman Chili
Snack: Cashews, Almonds, apple

Weight: 241.2

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Breakfast: Ground Beef, Apples
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Chicken, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, apples
Snack: Cashews, Almonds, Naked Smoothie

Weight: 243.6

Dead Lift: 345# 5x5x5x5  (DNF 5th set because I tweaked my back)

1000M Row
Box Jumps (20")
Kettle Bell (2 pood)

Monday, March 24, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon,Banana
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Dinner: Ground Beef, Guacamole, hot sauce, banana
Snack: Ground Beef, Guacamole, hot sauce

Weight: 244.2 (Ate too much salty stuff yesterday.  Pistachios, Bacon, Naked Smoothies.  Need to watch that)

J.J. Hero Wod
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 HSPU 2 ab mats with Kipping HSPU
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 185 Squat Cleans

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Naked Smoothie
Lunch: Chicken, Rice, Tangerine, Grapes
Dinner: Teriaki Chicken, Rice (sakuri @ mall with kids)
Snack: Apple, Bacon
Snack: Too many Pistachios

Open Gym:
Mobility, Double Under work

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Tangerines
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Natural Wings, Naked Smoothie, Pistachios
Snack: Smootie, Pistachios

Weight: 241.6  (Feel good about that because I didn't gain any weight on trip)

14.4  180 with a time of 13:13
Wish I had a muscle up, but do not.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Fruit
Lunch: Eggs, Bacon, Sausage, Fruit
Snack: Almonds (Plane Snack)
Dinner: Ground Sausage, Eggs, Tangerines  (@Home)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Hasbrowns
Breakfast II: Eggs, Bacon, Fruit, Sausage (probably had too much bacon)
Lunch: Lunch Meats, salad, asparagus, onions
Snack: Nuts, Apple
Dinner: Steak, Pork, lamb, salad (ate too much, but clean)

Cactus Crossfit:
strict press: 205 (failed 220 just barely)

Sevens workout (one of their bench mark wods)
7 Minute Amrap
7 box jumps
7 burpees
7 1.5 pood kb

6 rounds plus 5

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Hot Sauce, Guacamole, Naked Smoothie
Snack: Cashews and Almonds mix, Banana  (trying not to get too hungry)
Lunch: Bullritio (like the name)  burrito bowl.  Rice, Steak, Ground Beef, Salsa, Guacamole
Snack: Hamburger (no bun), onions, salsa, fruit
Dinner: had lots of stuff at buffet appetizer route.  Clean, except som bbq stuff.  meatballs, Chicken, steak, corn, pistasios, fish.  Just ate too much, but not gorged.  Pretty good for a social all you can eat occasion with lots of bad choices I could have made.

Weight: 242.2

Note: Traveling to Phoenix for 3 days.  going to keep it as clean as possible while on the road and eating during meetings.  Sure I can find some good substitutes, but will make sure I snack clean plenty since I don't control when I'm going to eat.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Hot Sauce, Guacamole, banana
Lunch: Caveman Chili, Banana
Dinner: Cancun, Fajita.  Only ate about half because last time I felt bloated afterward

Weight: 241.4

Bench Press: 5x5 205

800 M run
3 Rounds
30 30# Wall Balls
15 2 pood Kettle Bells
800 M Run

Monday, March 17, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, bacon, watermelon
Lunch: qdoba, regular
Dinner: Chicken, Naked Smoothie, Almonds
Snack: Chicken, naked smoothing, almonds

Weight: 242.0


Thrusters 115
Toes to Bar
12 minute time cap
11:25 rx

Really happy to make it through that wod.  Did all thrusters unbroken.  Wasn't sure I would make the timecap at the end of round 6.

Backsquat: 5x5 @ 205

Push Press: 5x5 @ 165

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Breakfast: Ground Beef, Naked Smoothie, Pecans
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: chicken, naked smoothie, pecans
Snack: Ground beef, watermelon, pecans

Weight: 241.2

Open Gym, Pull up program

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Breakfast:  Patachou, Cuban Breakfast (eggs, guac, spinich/jalapeno pesto, rice, beans)
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Ribs (natural fresh market), naked strawberry and Banana smoothie, pecans
Snack: ground beef,naked strawberry and Banana smoothie, pecans

241.0  No Idea where that came from.  Ive been out of guacamole for the past 3 days.  think I might need to cut back on my guacamole portions.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Tangerines, Walnuts
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Ground Beef, Apples
Snack: Banana, Nuts, Apple  (need to go to grocery)

Weight: 242.4 (First time in 242 range)

14.3 118 Split 5:11
Was hoping for 130, but feel pretty good about that score considering we did heavy deadlifts on Wednesday also.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Salsa, Bacon
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Ground Beef, Apple

Weight: 244.4

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Salsa, Bacon
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Eggs, Pork, Guacamole, Hot Sauce
Snack: Hamburger, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Tangerines

Weight: 245.4

5 sets
10 GHD situs
10 Back Extension GHD

5 sub 1:30 pull on rower
3 315# deadlifts
8 rounds even

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Apple
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Qdoba, Regualr
Snack: Almond Butter

Weight: 244.8

Max Box Jump:  30"  Paranoid to go over that

400 m run
21 box overs 24" box
21 Thrusters barbell
400 m run
15 box overs 24" box
15 Thrusters barbell
400 m run
15 box overs 24" box
15 Thrusters barbell
400 m run

Monday, March 10, 2014

Breakfast: Ground Beef, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Tangerines
Lunch: Caveman Chili, Tangerine
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Ground Beef, Guacamole, Hot Sauce

Weight: 243.4 (First time in the 243 range)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Cuban Breakfast (Eggs, Rice, beans, cheese, avacado, spinach, pesto)
Lunch: Ribs (natural no sauce), naked strawberry banana smoothie
Dinner: Qdoba, regular
Snack: Hamburger, Guacamole, Watermelon (was pretty hungry tonight)

Weight: 244.0

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Breakfast: Ground Pork, Eggs, Guacamole, hot sauce, orange
Pre-Wod Snack: Chicken, Guacamole, orange
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Chicken, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Rice

Weight: 246

Retested 14.2 because I was bummed I didn't get into 3rd round yesterday.  Made it today and got 111.  Super happy with that.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, 2 oranges
Lunch:  Chicken, Mashed Potatoes,  Butter
Dinner: Qdoba, regular
Snack: Chicken, Guacamole

Weight: 247.6 (Damn)

Trying not to be frustrated with a number.  I didn't really do anything differently other than have the peanut butter the two days before and cancun last night.  Guess all of the salt in cancun is making me hold on to all of my water.

86 Reps

Bummed because I wanted to get into the 3rd round and was just short.  Failed on Pull-up number 11 will 6 seconds left, so I had time to finish it.  Probably will redo.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce.
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Fajitas (at Cancun), with Rice and Guacamole
Snack: Orange, Pecans

Alright.  Think I'm finally ready to admit what I already knew.  I can't have peanut butter.  I just eat too much of it.  It is a trigger food for me.  Boo.

Weight: 245

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce (forgot to pick up banana)
Lunch: Arties Beef, veggies, peanut butter for fat
Dinner: Beef, guacamole, apple
Snack: Pork Loin, Peanut butter

(Too much peanut butter today)

Weight 244.6

7 Minute AMRAP
25 Double Unders
3 185 Thrusters

3+25 DU's

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana, Watermelon
Lunch: Arties, chicken wrapped in bacon, broccoli, sweet potatoes

Weight: 244.0

Power Clean:  Quit at 215.  My power clean technique is not good.  I did figure out something with pulling my elbows outside today in wod, which I think will help

WOD:  Chief
5 Rounds
3 power cleans (135)
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats

Monday, March 3, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed potatoes, Butter,
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Pork Loin, Peanut butter

Weight: 244.0

3 Rounds.  Work 1 minute, Rest 1 minute of the following 5 movements
Ring Rows
Front Squats (Grey Liner)
Thrusters 20# dumbbells
Dead Lifts: 205#
Slam Balls: 20#


Went light and moved a lot.  Felt good, but mid way through the 3rd round lost my wind.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Breakfast: eggs, hot sauce, guacamole
Lunch: Qdoba regular(recap.  Rice, steak, ground beef, guacamole, hot sauce, corn salsa)
Dinner: Ribs (no sauce), Naked fruit drink
Snack: ground beef left overs and slice of pork

Weight: 245.4

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Breakfast: patacho.  Cuban breakfast.  Eggs, rice, avocado, spinach pesto, cheese ( forgot about the cheese part)
Lunch: qdoba, regular
Dinner: ground beef, guacamole, hot sauce
Snack: left overground beef, guacamole
Late Snack: Peanut butter.  Went without too many carbs later in the day and was really hungry right before bed

Home weight: 244.6

Friday, February 28, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: Caveman Chili (Only 1 :)
Dinner: ground pork, guacamole, hot sauce, banana
Snack: caveman chili

Home Scale: 245.0

14.1 202 Reps Rx
Feel really good about this one.  Double unders were feeling good and was able to keep stringing them together once my lungs got burning.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Chicken, Mixed Veggie Soup, guacamole
Snack: Almond Butter

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Blueberries
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
dinner: beef, guacamole, hot sauce,  rice and lentils  with veggies mixture

8 Rep Max OHS: 135

9:30 AMRAP
10 Pullups
20 Push Press 95
20 1.5 pood KB swings

3 rounds even

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Dinner: wings (natural), watermelon, almond butter
Snack: almond butter

Push Press 1RM: 240#

3 HSPU (2 ab mats)
6 Hang Clean (185 rx)
9 Situps
11:59 (just under 12 minute time cap)
Technique was struggling today

Monday, February 24, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Apple
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Snack: Apple, Peanut Butter (Was really hungry in afternoon so grabbed a snack)

Alternating between T2B and Box Jumps 24"

Barbell Complex EMOTM 15 Minutes
1 Power Clean
2 Front Squat
1 Jerk
Mostly light weight until 10 minute, then worked up to 225 for last minute