Friday, August 29, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Piggy, Piggy, fruit, greens
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Snack: Peanuts
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Peanut Butter (No Excuse)

Weight: 229.4

First day back
Just did knee PT exercises
Did 30 push ups
30 Air Squats to a bench
Road Airdyne very slowly for about 8 minutes, just to feel out the knee
Did strict bar and ring pull ups

Felt good to break a sweat.  Knee is still pretty tender, but swelling has gone down significantly and feels decent after I move for a while.  However, I have some sore points in there and can't go past 90 degree angle on my knee because it feels like my stitches are going  to rip.  Good start back

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Piggy, Piggy, Omlette, greens, fruit
Lunch: Chicken, Banana
Dinner: Chicken, Grapes

Weight: 233.4
Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, Greens, Fruit, Bacon
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Banana, Peanut Butter, Turkey

No Weight

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Avocado, Bacon
Lunch: Vegetable soup
Dinner: Wings

No weight.  Couldn't make it down stairs due to knee
No breakfast (Surgery in morning)
Snack: Apple Sauce
Lunch: Thai Fried rice with chicken
Dinner: Chicken Wings

Weight: 235.4  Really dis appointed I have been up there for two days in a rwo

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Breakfast: Piggy, Piggy, Patachou, greens, fruit
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Rice, Teriyaki Chicken
Snack: Peanut Butter (got to get back off the peanut butter)

Weight: 235.4  Feeling really bloated after bad weekend of sleep and weird schedules.  Working all night on friday really screwed me and a bit anxious about surgery.
Breakfast: Qdoba (did eat until Lunch)
Lunch: Wings, Naked Smoothie
Snack: Pulled Pork
Dinner:Wings, apple

Slept until noon since I didn't sleep until 7am
Forgot to weigh myself because I had to run out of house

Friday, August 22, 2014

Breakfast: Piggy, omelette, greens, fruit
Lunch: Wings, Blue Machine Smoothie
Snack: Wings, Banana
Dinner: Yats, Chili Cheese Etouffe, Rice
Snack: Late,Late night peanut butter.  Release didn't end until 6 am.  really fucked up my schedule

Weight: 233.2

20 Amrap
1000 M Row
750 Ski Erg (Sub for Mile Run)
Max 95 lb front squats in remaining time

5 Bar muscle ups and worked on attempting some ring muscle ups

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Breakfast: Piggy, Piggy Omelette. Greens, Fruit
Lunch: Havali
Dinner: Tomo, Spicy Chicken, Rice
Snack: Kefir Yogurt

Weight: 228.2

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Breakfast: Piggy,Piggy Omlette.  Bacon, Greens, Fruit
Snack: Peanuts, Banana (Didn't have time from real lunch)
Dinner:  Arroz Con Pollo

Weight: 231.4

12 minute AMRAP
1 knee to elbo
1 T2B
1 Pull Up
2 knee to elbo
2 T2B
2 Pull Up

5 x 2 Backsquat

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Breakfast: egg, bacon, avacado, cheese, fruit
lunch: chicken, pears
Snack: Pear, Peach
Dinner: mongolian grill, rice, beef, sausage, sauce, onions
Snack: Kefir Yogurt

Weight: 231.4

on top of minute do airdyne for 20 seconds, then max situps
on top of minute row 10 calories, then max chest to bars

Monday, August 18, 2014

Breakfast: Banana, eggs, avocado
Lunch: chicken, Pear
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Pear

Weight: 234.0  Kind of disappointed, but feel like I"m a bit bloated.  Then again, I have been resting more and not doing as many WOD's since the knee

Lunch Meeting so I couldn't go
hit open gym with the kids.
Hit 10 Bar Muscle Ups.  Freaking feel awesom

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, Bacon, Greens, Fruit
Lunch: Shalimar
Dinner: Rice, Steak, Chicken, nuts, fruit
Snack: Strawberries

Weight: 234.6

Feeling super bloated after the peanut butter and cashews and working a late shift at fest.

Front Squat:
225 Taking it easy with the knee

Muscle up work.  Got my first bar muscle up!

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Cheese
Lunch: Chicken, Rice, Squash
Dinner:  Peanut Butter, Cashews, Ham Slice with String Cheese.  Strawberries.

Dinner was crappy.  Just kind of snacked around before volunteering at Sausauge fest @ st. thomas. Ate too much pb and cashews.

Weight: 233.2

Friday, August 15, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: Caveman Chili

Weight: 232.4

5x3 Back Squat
Completed 315 Then dropped weight.  Again, squat felt good, but felt unstable unracking and walkng it back

10 Wall balls
5 kb

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs
Lunch: India Garden
Dinner: Home.  Chicken, Soup, green beans, fruit
Snack: Watermelon

Weight: 233.4

Found out I have a torn Meniscus.  Going to have a scope on the 25th.  Limited workouts until then

Push Press

Couldn't do clean EMOTM so I did chest to bar pull up practce

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Lunch: chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Steak, Soup, green beans, pistachios.
Snack: Apple, Pineapple

Weight: 233.2

Front Squat x 3
275.  Didn't push it since knee is feeling sketchy.  Actually squatting felt fine, just stepping back with the weight was biggest challenge

3 Rounds:
25 Situps
20 Lunges (Used PVC instead fo 45 lb weight)

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Banana
Lunch: Indian, Haveli

Weight: 232.4

Monday, August 11, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs
Lunch: India Garden
Snack: Banana, Pear
Dinner: Chicken, Rice, fruit
Snack: Peanut Butter

Weight: 230.4

Mobility day.  My knee was feeling really stiff.  kind of like it needs to be pulled and popped like a finger.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Breakfast: eggs, bacon, guacamole, hot sauce, strawberries
Snack: ground beef, apple
Lunch: Wings, apple, banana
Dinner: Peanut Butter, Cheese

My knee feels wrecked after the double unders

Weight: 231.4

3 Rounds for time
10 285# Deadlifts
15 bar facing burpees
50 Double Unders
Breakfast: Eggs, guacamole, hot sauce, bacon, banana
Lunch: Ground beef, rice, guacamole
Dinner: Ham, cheese, banana, strawberries
Snack: Ham Cheese

Weight: 229.4  First time in 220's

Rest day

Friday, August 8, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Chicken, Rice, broccoli, pineapple, grapes
Snack: Chicken, strawberries

Weight: 231.4

MFFL Wod 1.1
30 Minute AMRAP
1 bear complex (start 155 drop 5 lb each pound)
3 chest to bar
10 box overs
15 wall balls
9 + 5 wall balls

Had no energy from the start and this one felt like shit.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce
Lunch: India Garden
Dinner: Ground Beef, guacamole, hot sauce, pine apple, strawberries

Weight: 235.0 (Ouch)

Have been eating too irregularily and too much dairy and peanuts.  Need to tighten back up.  feeling inflamed.  Think diet has been a bit off this week because I've had some stressors at work and running back and forth to my moms.  Plus I have been doing those Masters Functional Fitness league wod's which are long and hard.  been feeling hungry because of that.

Rest day
Breakfast: Bacon, eggs, banana
Lunch: Indian, Tiki Masala, Spinach Sauce.  Two helpings
Snack: Banana
Dinner: Arroz con pollo
Snack: Watermelon, banana

Weight: 233.4

75# Bar
75 Snatches: 6 Minute time cap
Rest 2 minutes
75 Thrusters: 6 Minute time cap

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs, Banana
Lunch: Really a snack, peanuts, peach (Had meetings at work and didn't have time to go get something to eat)
Snack: peanuts, banana

Weight: 232.4

335 (Got one at 355)  Too much after maxing on sunday

Alternating Minutes
Toes to Bar (Scale for Kettle bell since my back was bothering me)
Ring dips
Did as many as possible in 30 seconds

Monday, August 4, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs
Lunch: Wrecked Salad, chili from Potbellies (Lunch Meeting)
Snack: Peanuts and Banana
Dinner: Chicken Fried Rice
Snack: Peanut butter

Weight: 230.4  (First time at 230)

Rest Day

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Breakfast: Ground Beef, Avacado, Banana, Pineapple
Lunch: Shalimar, Rice, Spinach Sauce, Chicken Tiki masala.  Went for seconds
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: Ground Beef, Pineapple, Strawberries

Weight: 233.0

Did masters fitness league wod
5 min to max back squat
rest 5
5 minute to max shoulder to overhead
rest 5
5 minute to max deadlift
rest 5
5 minute to max bench

bs 385 5lb pr
pp 275
dead 455
bench 300

tried 495 but tweaked back so I just dropped the weight.  too little time for me to get to max on deadlift
Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, greens, bacon, fruit
Lunch: Thai Fried Rice with Chicken
Snack: On the road from my moms.  Ham slices, pepper jack cheese, too many peanuts, banana
Dinner: Brazilian home cooking.  Something with brisket, rice, shrimp

Weight: 233.4

Did light workout
Jogged to Butler track
4 x 400 M
Jogged Home

Friday, August 1, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: chicken, mashed potatoes, butter
Dinner: ground beef, avacado, fruit
Snack: Arties, chili, sweet potatoes

weight: 232.2

Naptown: ET Workout
Agility ladder stuff

20 High Five Pushups
20 Wall ball situps
20 alternating air squats
200 M Run

worked with alan, 3 +100 M