Thursday, July 31, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Wings, Pineapple, Strawberries
Second Dinner: Bacon, Avocado, hot sauce, eggs, fruit

weight: 233.8

5 Rounds for Completion (Not time)
5 Strict HSPU (No Scales)
5 Strict T2B
Did all of them and feel awesome about that.

2000M Row for Time:
7:32.3  Row felt like shit and was slow.  I kept playing with the damper instead of just keeping it at 8

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, apple
Lunch: India Garden, Spinach, Tiki Masala, Rice, tandoori chicken
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular
Snack: String Cheese, naked smoothie  (too much cheese)

Weight: 233.8  (From late night eating night before)


Push Jerk:
185 - 195 -205 - 185 -185
Took the weight down to work on technique.  Was pressing too much.  worked on dropping aggressively under bar.

5 Pullups
10 Hollow Rocks

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs, Pear
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: La Pieadad, Arroz Con Pollo with Guacamole,
Snack: Chicken, Wings, Naked Smoothie

Did a smaller lunch portion and was starving in the evening.  Went a head and ate late.  I was on the run for lunch so just got a half portion.  didn't work out well

Weight: 231.0

Tabata Stuff

Airsquats : 90
Push Press : 80
Push Ups : 70
Walking Lunges: 60
OHS: 27

Monday, July 28, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Apple
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Snack: Peach, Peanuts
Dinner: Chicken, The rice and seaweed from lucia's sushi left overs
Snack: cheese, naked smoothie

Weight: 232.2

Front Squat:
300 PR

Every 2 minutes for 5 rounds
Run 200 M
10 Burpees
Fastest: 1:40
Slowest: 1:56
Pretty brutal workout after the front squat

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Cheese, hot sauce, orange
Lunch; Shalimar.  Tiki Masala, Spinach sauce, rice (1 plate)
Snack: Orange
Dinner: Chicken, Smoothie
Snack: Bacon

Weight: 232.4

Snatch work up to 155
Pull up work
Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, greens, bacon
Lunch: Qdoba, regular
Snack: Almonds, oranges
Snack: Peanut butter

was travelling to pick up kids from mom and skipped a meal.  weird for me.

weight: 232.6


Friday, July 25, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Indiana, rice, tiki masala, spinach sauce.  (Only one plate)
Snack: Orange, almonds, Peanuts
Dinner: Wings, Orange
Snack: Peanut Butter (maybe a little self sabotage since I got good news today at the bodpod?)

Weight: 233.4

Partner AMRAP 12:00:
2pood, kb
200 M run (Pacer)
row for calories.

Post Wod: High then low sled push
Alternating with overhead 45lb carries.
6:00 Minutes
Breakfast: Eggs, Cheese, Hot Sauce
Lunch: Patachou, Omlette, eggs, avacado, ham, cheese.  Greens, Bacon, Fruit
Snack: Chicken, orange
Dinner: La Pieadad, Arroz Con Pollo

Scale: 231.6 Actually lost weight and hit new number on vacation

5x5 Deadlift
Got to 365 and back felt really tight.  did rest at 315

3 Strict Pullups, 5 Push Ups
Breakfast: Salada in Pacifica.  Bacado, bacon, eggs, avacado, cheese.  Hashbrowns
Lunch: Ceasar Salad, Yogurt.  (Airport), Almonds
Dinner: Eggs, Cheese, straw berries

No Scale.  Last Day in California

Rest Day

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, avocado, rice
Lunch: Bacado, Eggs, bacon, hash browns, guacamole
Dinner: Camarones diablo, with rice, refried beans and guac at hole in the wall mexican joint that was good.
Snack: Almonds, Cherries

No Scale

Crossfit Santa Cruz
Really cool box.  Great coaches and community.
Also good instruction today on Bar muscle up and Handstand walks

5 burpee bar muscle up
20 ft hand stand walk
Subbbed to jumping bar muscle up from box.  Really great scale that felt challenging and like I was working on transitiion
Subbed hand stand holds with 5 (Each hand) alternating hand lifts.  Good sub for keeping balance with hand off ground

Great experience dropping in at that box.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Avocado, hot sauce, bacon, banana
Snack: Canadian Bacon (Package), provolone Cheese, Almonds, string cheese (lunch meat type of snack before zoo)
Lunch: Chicken, lettuce, avocado, broccoli, cheese
Dinner: Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Salad with Vinegrette
Snack: Chicken Fried Rice after gym

No Scale.  Little anxious about if I've gained weight on trip.  I'm feeling kind of bloated with All the fried rice and eating out

San Francisco Crossfit
Much better experience my second time for a class.  Good instruction on squat and overhead squat.  Tore my hands on the Chest to bars because I was missing my Gymnastic straps.

5 Rounds of 8 reps. 65% of 1 Rm back squat

Overhead squat 45lb (Prescribed)
3 rounds of 6 reps
2 seconds on way down, 2 second hold at bottom on each rep

Chest to bar - 53 lb Kettle bell opposite ascending and decending

Tore my hand on set of 20 about 15 in.  Went to ring rows.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, bacon, avacado, apple (At friends house in oakland/berkeley area)
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Way later than normal, but our kids were having fun.  Toro Loco Skillet.  Avocado, bean, chicken, steak, prawns, rice, sour cream
Dinner: Thai Chicken Fried Rice (Too Much)
Snack: String cheese

No Scale
No workout

Been taking more rest days so I don't have to be away from kids and ruth.  should be able to get a wod in tomorrow
Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, hot sauce, fruit (At condo)
Lunch: Bacado, (Bacon, Avacado, Eggs, Cheese), Hash browns, bacon
snack: Ceasar Salad, Chicken Breast
Dinner: Steak, salad, miso soup, chicken.  Very average Sushi place in berekely

No Scale

Did a little work before we left for over night trip to berekely

Warm up of Jumping jacks, Squat and Push ups.  10 each for 4 rounds

Double under work.  Probably got to around 100

Hill run, up a beautiful mountain behind our place.  Lot steeper and longer than anticipated.  Probably 800+ meters

Skill work.  Strict hand stand pushups.  About 10-15

Friday, July 18, 2014

Breakfast: Chili, Eggs, Guac, Sour Cream, Bacon (Steves special at resturant in santa cruz)
Lunch: Ham, Egg, Cheese, Guacamole, hash browns
Snack:  Cherries, Cheese
Dinner: Lots of Thai Fried Rice

Lots of breakfast since we are waking up at 5am out here and having lunch at about 10:30 California time

No Scale

No Workout
Breakfast: Eggs, Avocado, hot sauce, berries
Lunch: Eggs, bacon, guacamole, hash browns, Fruit
Snack: Almonds, Banana
Dinner: Thai Fried Rice
Snack: Almonds

Crossfit Santa Cruz:

Really nice box.  Good coaching tip on keeping knees wide on Lunge steps instead of in a line.  also good instruction on how to do ghd situps

Did team wod scheduled for games:
50 Cal Row
50 GHD situps
50 Wall Balls
50 Box Overs

Fun wod

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Rice, Cheese, Sausage
Lunch: Chicken, Avocado, Fruit
Dinner: Omlette, cheese, avacado, ham.  Hash Browns
Snack: Pork Roast, String Cheese

No Scale on vacation, Felt good though

Rest day.  Hit the exploratorium with the kids, which was very cool. In general active day exploring san francisco

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Early morning flight to san francisco
Breakfast: Eggs, Avacado, hot sauce, banana
Lunch: In SF. Steak, greens, sweet potato fries
Dinner: El Toro Loco. Steak, Chicken, Prawn fajitas.  beans, rice, guac.  Excellent!
Snack: Almonds

Weight: 233.6  Pretty good for a struggling last few days with portions and salt.

San Francisco Crossfit:
went in for barbell club.  Found out it was really open barbell club instead of truly programmed.  Just did hang snatch, then hang clean work.  worked up to 135/225 then did mobility.  Felt good to move after a day of travel.  Very cool location
Breakfast: Patachou, Regular
Lunch: India Garden, Only one plate.  Felt ok
Dinner; Wings, but less than normal.  Couple of almonds, blueberries, banana

Didn't Weigh

Front Squat
5 rep max: 275
3 rep max: 305
1 rep max: 340 PR

Ring holds for 12 minutes for 20 seconds

Getting ready for california trip

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Breakfast: Patachou, Regular
Lunch: Caveman Chili
Snack: Peanuts (Again)  too many
Dinner: Qdoba Regular

Snatch work
Pull ups and Muscle Up transitions

Breakfast: Patachou, Regular
Snack: Too many Peanuts (any is too many and becoming a bad go to snack again)
Lunch: Chinese food.  Spicy chicken fried rice (too much and salt)
Dinner: Wings and some more peanuts

Weight: 234.6

Really not a good eating day.  Was driving back and forth to my moms and let myself get too hungry and made bad decision to get peanuts.  Two weekends in a row so have to stop that

Rest day

Friday, July 11, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Shalimar, chicken tiki Masala, spinach sauce
dinner: I really can't remember.  Waited too long on my food blog
Snack: Almonds

Weight: 233.6


Did exacttarget workout
5x5x5x5x5  Push Press

Partner WOD
100 Thrusters
400 M run
75 Push Ups
200 M Run
50 Sit ups
200 M Run
25 Pull ups
Around 12 Minutes

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Strawberries
Lunch: India Garden, Tiki Masala, Spinach sauce, rice
Dinner: Mexican.  Arroz con Pollo, with salsa and guacamole
Snack: Cherries, Almonds

Weight: 232.4

Rest/Mobility Day

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs,banana
Snack: Peanuts, Pear
Lunch: Salad, Bacon bits, boiled eggs, honey mustard dressing, cheese
Dinner: Ground Beef, Butter, Rice, Hot Sauce

Weight: 233.4

Pull up Program

Partner WOd

1.5 KB 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  Alternating partner
Slam Balls 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  Alternating partner
Burpees 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  Alternating partner
Slam Ball Squat 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10  Alternating partner

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Breakfast: bacon, eggs
Lunch: Haveli, Tiki Masala, spinach sauce, rice
Dinner: Buffalo Wings, rice, broccoli

Weight: 232.6

100 DU
20 HSPU (1 ab mat, with strict hspu)
20 115 push press
20 Pull ups
100 DU
14:58  (Last year same WOD I had to time cap double unders at 4 minutes a piece instead of all 100 each time and 2 ab mats on hspu)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon
Snack: Peanuts
Snack #2 Peanuts (Didn't get a chance to eat before heading home to hang with the kids)
Lunch: Chicken, cheese, orange
Dinner: Qdoba, Regular

Weight: 234.6

Back Squat
20 minutes to find
5 rep max: 300
3 rep max: 340
1 rep max: 380 PR
got to 90% then moved on for the 5 rep and 3 rep.  Hit new pr on 1 rep.  Only 5 pounds but had been stuck at 375 for a while, even though I had 365 x3 and 375 x 2 previously

1 Minute max burpees.  2 attempts
Breakfast: Patachou, Omlette, ham, Avacado, Cheese.  Bacon, Greens, fruit
Lunch: Chicken, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Strawberries
Dinner: Mongolian Grill.  Rice, Sausage, Ribeye, Broccoli, Kung Pao sauce
Snack: nuts, popcorn

Weight: 234.6

Open Gym
Hang Clean: 225

Pull Up Program

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Breakfast: Bullet Proof coffee (butter, MCT oil, coffee)
Lunch: Qdoba, Regular
Dinner: Wings, Blueberries

Weight: Forgot to weight in this morning because I was running out of house and had already had bunch of water and breakfast

1 Hour of Mobility
Breakfast: patachou, omelette, ham, cheese, avacado, bacon, greens, fruit
Lunch: Shalimar, Tiki Masla, meat balls, rice
Snack: Salted Peanuts (overate)
Dinner: Wings, Watermelon

Weight: 235.4

Haven't been eating very clean for two days and feeling  bloated

Open Gym:
Did OHS 1 Rep Max
205 PR.  First time over 200lb

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Banana
Lunch: Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Butter
Dinner: Formosa Buffet.  (Overate)  Rice, chicken on a stick, broccoli, teryiaki chicken

Weight: 234.0

Split Jerk
1 RM
Shoulder was not feeling right.  Only hit 255  (PR is 280)

Teams of 3
14:00 As Many Reps As Possible
P1: Run 200 (pacer)
P2: Max Push Ups
P3: Max Ball Slams

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Bacon, Orange
Lunch: India Garden, Tiki Masala, Rice, Spinach Sauce
Dinner: Ground Beef, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Corn

Weight: 233.4

Run 400M
Row 500M

Accessory wod
EMOTM 12 minutes
10 88lb Kettle Bells - 6 rounds I did 10, 6 rounds I did 5
3 Toes to bar

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Breakfast: Eggs, Guacamole, Hot Sauce, Banana
Lunch: Havali, Tiki Masala, Rice, spinach  (little bit too much but better than last time)
Dinner: Ribs, watermelon, nuts
snack: banana, blueberries, nuts

Weight: 234.6 (That late dinner night before)


15 emotm
1 Power Clean
1 Squat Clean
Did 135 each round working on technique.  Felt really solid, working on getting bar into my hip, getting to full extension and keeping bar close to body

Accessory WOD:
Alternating Minutes (Scale)
10 Wall Balls (30lb)
5 Chest to bar pullups